Inmate attacked prison officer in Skien with boiling oil – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The case is updated. The male prison officer is said to have suffered injuries to his face, chest, shoulders and back. He has been treated in hospital. news does not know the extent of the damage and whether it is permanent. It was the online newspaper FriFagbevegelse that first mentioned the case. Three prison officers are said to have been present when the attack took place in the kitchen of the prison last Sunday, 31 July. An inmate who worked in the kitchen allegedly threw boiling oil at one of the officers. It obviously came on suddenly. Acting manager at Telemark prison, Skien department, Roar Gran, tells FriFagbevegelse that the inmate has been through a security assessment. It was considered safe for him to join in and cook on the stove, but under supervision. The inmate is now restricted in his activities, and staffing has been strengthened when the inmate is out of the cell. ACTING MANAGER: Roar Gran Photo: Ole Realf Vanebo – Many of us are affected by this. The worst thing is to see a colleague get injured so seriously, it affects us all. Our thoughts are now about his health, says Gran to FriFagbevegelse. The report must be submitted to the police on Monday. The prison with 82 places for men has a separate ward with particularly high security. Among others, the terrorist convicted after 22 July is serving time there.
