Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold with “Reodor Felgen” grip – sharpened the suit before the race – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

For the first time since 2019 – and for the first time at a normal distance – it was 20 out of 20 hits for Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold. It was rewarded with a podium place in the World Cup opener. Slippery conditions on the stand could have become a challenge – but Tandrevold had done his homework. – I think it was quite difficult today, because there were quite slippery mats, she says to news. – I slipped a lot on the mat, even though I tried to be completely Reodor Felgen to grind the race suit and everything possible to get a little better grip, Tandrevold tells TV 2. In addition to the grip before the race, she had to work smart during the race. Made calculations along the way Because the slippery mats also meant that she had to take an extremely long time at the stand. In several of the shootings, you could see that Tandrevold both changed his position and took his time to fire. – I tend to use a little extra time, but at the same time it’s a normal distance and if you get a bump, it’s one minute. If you spend an extra 10–15 seconds, it still pays off according to my mathematical calculations along the way, says Tandrevold to news. She says that she slipped a lot and thus had to straighten herself up during the shooting. – I noticed it on deposit and I was very prepared that it was going to feel a bit uncomfortable and not as secure lying down as usual. Then I just had to take the time I needed. New rules must be reviewed: – Prioritizes TV time over the health of the athletes Beaten by the Swede Because with spot-free shooting both lying down and standing up, it was a strong start to the season for Tandrevold. Both Tiril Eckhoff and Marte Olsbu Røiseland stood over the opening race for various reasons, but that has not made Tandrevold feel extra pressure. – I took the sting out of it yesterday when the boys left. I was really looking forward to going today, even though I was sick to my stomach from the time I got up to the start. It is always the pressure from within that is the worst, but now I have slightly more lowered shoulders, says Tandrevold. But for Tandrevold there was little to do with Swedish Hanna Öberg, who, like the Norwegian 26-year-old, shot flawlessly, but also delivered enough for victory in the cross-country track. The rest of the Norwegians had a tougher day both on the cross-country track and in the stands. Karoline Knotten was the second best Norwegian in 27th place. This is how the first race of the season ended:
