Ingrid (27) “treats no one” to the period she went through – the rescue came when she gave up her prejudices

– You felt you lost yourself. It was very tough, says Hodnemyr to news. In 2017, his sports career took an abrupt turn for the energetic friend. After several years of playing handball at the highest level in Norway, it suddenly stopped. Injuries to the Achilles and right shoulder caused the operating table to turn. In total, it was almost two years on the sidelines. – I actually bet quite hard until the age of 21-22. I probably bet a little too hard and trained too much without enough knowledge – so there was some injury all the time. It eroded the motivation. HANDBALL TALENT: Hodnemyr has several matches at the top level in Norway. She played for Norstrand and Bekkelaget, among others. Photo: Private – Under no one The stay without sports would eventually offer more obstacles than “just” the injuries. On the sidelines, she developed a strained relationship with food. – I felt that my body was not good enough for what I wanted it to do – which was to play handball. I felt big and heavy compared to the other girls I was with a lot at the time. – How was it to feel that feeling? – I do not treat anyone. That’s really crap. I think that many people today have a strained relationship with food, for my own part it does not take much before you feel it or that you should have been a little different than you are. It was at its worst when she was injured. A vicious circle took over her life more and more. – I am very fond of food in the first place and eat a lot. So there was probably a little consolation in that. Then I felt heavy then, and I regretted that I had eaten a lot. Hodnemyr further says that for a period she competed with myself to eat less than the day before. It hurt worse. – Then I got even less nourishment in me. Tough period: Hodnemyr faced adversity during the period on the sidelines. Photo: Astri Øverdal / news – A rescue One day she was to discover what she describes as the rescue. – That was probably when I started with functional fitness. I saw that everyone was so different – some were tall, some were small, but everyone did the same things. There is a lot of focus in functional fitness that you should get enough food and good food and that it is very important. Those I started associating with also had a good focus on it. I think that might have been a rescue for me, says the 27-year-old. Hodnemyr says that she started with functional fitness after being persuaded by friends. Now she has been in the sport for four years and competed for three and a half. – I actually had a lot of prejudices against it before I signed up, but then I only showed up one day. STRONG: Hodnemyr in action. Photo: Jaegerkim Even if Hodnemyr does not hit the cliché drum, it can be said that the rest is history. The Norwegian championship this week was one of this year’s big goals for Hodnemyr and the rest of Norway’s functional fitness elite. The athletes competed in pairs during this year’s NM week in Skien. Hodnemyr was the partner of club mate Lena Richter. CHEERS: Hodnemyr and partner Lena Richter will fight for NM gold this week. Photo: Jaegerkim – I think it will be a lot of fun. Last year there were two teams as the knife, but this year I think there may be more teams fighting for the gold. I think it will be exciting, said Venndølen before the competition. It would turn out to be exciting not to be. Hodnemyr and Richter were superb and took a superior NM gold after six exercises.
