Ingebrigtsen and Nordås in a duel over 5000 meters in the NM – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

– Gliding from Narve Gilje Nordås here, exclaimed news commentator Jann Post in the race that was decided on the run and Jakob Ingebrigtsen ran to victory in a time of 13.14.36. The duel with his Norwegian rival was only decided in the last 100 metres. Because Nordås did not give up in this race. And the country’s second best runner was just over six tenths of a second behind the finish line. – That was amazing. I felt my body worked so well yesterday that I wanted to run again today, says Ingebrigtsen to news after the race, which was his second race in two days at the NM. Ingebrigtsen celebrated with her new family member Filippa live after the NM gold. Photo: NTB After deciding the duel, it was only a short time before Ingebrigtsen celebrated the gold with her new gold, the four-day-old daughter Filippa in her arms. It happened while he was walking the lap of honour, which garnered praise from the audience. – One of the most eventful weeks in his life, says Post. – It is a bit special. We have not seen that before, says Rodal about Ingebrigtsen’s celebration with the four-day-old daughter. Ingebrigtsen herself enjoyed the celebration. – What was it like showing off Filippa to Sandnes stadium? – It was great. I am proud. It is clear that a lot has happened in the last week. It is extra fun that Elisabeth and Filippa have extra strength to come up and watch, says Ingebrigtsen to news. Excited crowd Elisabeth Asserson Ingebrigtsen arrived at the stadium just as the kick-off went off. – What was it like to experience this together with your newborn daughter at the stadium – It was very nice, but it was very double stress. You are stressed that she should lie nice and quiet, but also that he should win. It’s a great start to take part in an NM before the nerves really get in the way, she says to news. Photo: Fredrik Tombra – She is only four days old. How have these days been? – It has been a new habit, but it has been very nice and good to have a few days at home in Sandnes with Jakob as well, says Elisabeth Asserson Ingebrigtsen. Jakob Ingebrigtsen himself thinks it’s great to have become a father this week. And he was also at his best during the race: news’s ​​commentary team thought during the course that it looked like he was roughly at resting heart rate, despite a healthy NM pace. – It’s going fast enough that this will also be an okay training session for Jakob, exclaimed news commentator Jann Post after barely four minutes of the race. The runners had then lined up early until 13.15 in the 5000 metres. Ingebrigtsen says that he felt strong during the race. – I’m feeling good. I know I get motivated by that too. It gives a little more flavor and I want to train and do the work that needs to be done. When you feel good and function so well, it’s positive for me too, says Ingebrigtsen. Turnaround operation It was only a few hours before the race that it became clear that he was going to line up. Actually, he was only supposed to run 1500 meters on Friday night. In terrible weather, he then ran to 3.34.03. But then he turned around. And then you got the duel you wanted. Ingebrigtsen en route to the 5000 metres. Photo: Carina Johansen / NTB Because the stage was set for the NM duel against Narve Gilje Nordås, who took bronze behind Ingebrigtsen in the 1500 meters during the WC last year. And the NM duel delivered for both rivals. – I’m very pleased. So that’s uplifting. After a miserable EC, it was good to know that it felt good and better than expected and that I was able to hang on for so long. It was only the last 80 meters that there was smoke, says Nordås to news. Ingebrigtsen was also satisfied with the duel. – It’s cool that we can give each other a fight. I was hoping that we would do it yesterday as well, but it didn’t happen that way. Then you have to enter several races to get the competition you want. It’s fun to run alone at the front, but it’s also fun to run in a race, says Ingebrigtsen. From the start it was Narve Gilje Nordås who led the way. He said the reason was the fight for Olympic places. Because on his heels was the runner willing to go, his training buddy Per Svela. And Nordås wanted Svela to improve her Olympic chances by gaining ranking points with a good run. Ingebrigtsen’s Olympic program Jakob Ingebrigtsen’s schedule in Paris: Friday 2 August: 1500 metres, trial heat, at 11.02 Sunday 4 August: 1500 metres, semi-final, at 21.45 Tuesday 6 August: 1500 metres, final, at 20.50 Wednesday 7 August : 5000 metres, trials, at 11.10 Saturday 10 August: 5000 metres, final, at 20.00 You can watch all the races on news. And at the end, Nordås remained well above 3,000 metres, before Ingebrigtsen took over. But Nordås laid back and stayed there almost to the finish line. Something that was discussed, as a message of strength from Nordås. – I got exactly what I came for. That I didn’t take gold, I’ve done that before. It doesn’t mean much, says Nordås. Olympic place The season for Nordås has been a roller coaster. He has both won the 3000 meters during the Diamond League event in Stockholm and disappointed greatly during the EC in Rome earlier this month. At Bislett Games there was also a downturn. After Narve Gilje Nordås ran most of the 1,500 meters at the Bislett Games with a shoe, Ingebrigtsen came over and patted him on the shoulder after finishing. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB At Bislett he also had to run large parts of the 1,500 meters with a shoe. Nevertheless, he ran in at 3.34.86. Possibly, a shoe has never been run faster over the distance. Became a father It has been an eventful week for Jakob Ingebrigtsen. On Tuesday 25 June, he and Elisabeth Asserson Ingebrigtsen became parents for the first time. They had a daughter, who has been named Filippa. – Say hello to the newest member of the Asserson Ingebrigtsen family, wrote Jakob Asserson Ingebrigtsen in a post on Instagram. On Friday evening, he also set a solid pace in the 1500 meters in the NM. In terrible weather, he also made a move before the start that made the news expert grin: Jakob and Filip Ingebrigtsen warmed up in a slightly special way before the NM in Sandnes. And at the NM stadium on Saturday, his newborn daughter was also present in a pram. – How old is Filippa now. Four days? Post said. Later, the newborn also became the center of attention after the race. Published 29.06.2024, at 13.59 Updated 29.06.2024, at 15.15
