Infection record while corona protests spread in China – Latest news – news

27 November 2022 at 08:00 Infection record while corona protests spread in China On the night of Sunday there were protests against corona measures in a number of Chinese cities. There have been demonstrations both at Tsinghua University in Beijing and in Shanghai. The protests have unfolded as a result of the fury sparked by a fire in the Xinjiang region. Ten people lost their lives in the fire, and many believe that strict corona measures made the rescue work more difficult. Many of the demonstrations cannot be confirmed by independent sources, but in Shanghai police used tear gas to disperse around 300 protesters who had gathered at midnight. They brought flowers and candles to remember those who died in the Xinjiang capital of Urumqi on Friday. China is now experiencing its worst corona outbreak since the pandemic began three years ago. On Sunday, the health authorities reported 39,791 cases of covid-19. It is the highest number in one day since the pandemic started and the fourth day in a row that a record number of infections has been set.
