– Incredibly tough months – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– It has been incredibly tough months for the psyche. When you have not been so social, and there is finally a holiday and other things you can do… It has been tough, Weng asserts. Weng has put behind him just over half a year in which absolutely everything has gone wrong. On 26 January, the 31-year-old received the disappointing news of a positive corona test during the national team’s last meeting before the Olympics in Beijing. Thus, the big highlight of the season went down the drain, despite the fact that she went to extreme measures to avoid infection. She returned to competition just over a month later, but in March things went wrong again. Weng slipped on the ice and hit his head on the ground. The fall led to a concussion that has taken several months to heal. – There was fresh snow on top and ice below. Then I was about to start running with ski boots, and then I slip straight on the back of my head, says Weng about the incident that was supposed to put an end to everything from social gatherings, to driving and training. BEFORE THE INFECTION: Heidi Weng won the monster hill in the Tour de Ski right after the New Year. Shortly afterwards, she was infected with the coronavirus, and her Olympic dream was shattered. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB Missed her friend’s wedding Weng has not attended a single meeting with the national team since the concussion last winter. But it has also caused trouble outside the ski slopes. – I had dinner with the king on 12 May and had to lie in bed for three days with a headache afterwards. And then I missed Ragnhild’s (Haga) wedding. There is a lot I have missed, says Weng. The concussion rounds off a 2022 that has so far been a nightmare. The opening of the year, where the Olympics failed, had already eaten away. – It was very clumsy, and also a very unfavorable time for the head. I had been very antisocial and very careful not to be with a lot of people, and then I get corona. Then it took me a long time to get back. In Falun I was finally at a high level, and then it was a week of joy before I tried. NUMBER THREE: In the comeback, Heidi Weng was third. Photo: Morten Stenberg / news – What has been the toughest? – The fact that I haven’t been able to be social. I’ve been trying to be social lately to endure a gathering. I haven’t listened to music and all such little things, like driving a car, have been demanding on the head. Only now is she fully back. After several months on the sidelines, Lysebotn Opp was the first challenge. Even with almost seven months without much training, Weng became the best Norwegian runner with a third place. – I am incredibly pleased that it went so well. I can’t really expect anything more. Now it can really only go one way, and that is hopefully up, and not come up with any new nonsense. Now that’s enough, says Weng.
