Increased preparedness for political youth camps – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– We contacted both PST and the police. They thought we didn’t need to cancel the summer camp, but the police were present to check that everything was alright with us. That’s what Ane Breivik, leader of Unge Venstre, says. They were first out with their summer camp. The young people gathered at Hove in Arendal just under a week after the mass shooting in Oslo. In advance, there were many questions. – We got a separate contact person in the Agder police district in case the threat situation should change during the week. She also informed the participants about the situation, says Breivik. Leader of Unge Venstre, Ane Breivik, pictured during the summer camp at Hove in Arendal, barely a week after the mass shooting in Oslo. Photo: Magnus Hundvin Close contact with the police Summer is peak season for political youth camps. Four of these take place in Southern Norway. Green youth will gather at Risøya in Tvedestrand at the beginning of August. Around the same time, Unge Høyre will have a camp at Hove in Arendal, and the invitation reads as follows: “It will be Norway’s best schooling, social and lots of time to be with new friends from all over the country”. Young people should feel safe at a political summer camp, say the leaders of the youth organisations. Here from Unge Venstre’s camp at the beginning of July this year. Photo: Magnus Hundvin Secretary General Mille Johanne Christensen in Unge Høyre promises that young people should feel safe. This despite the fact that the shooting in Oslo has caused a lot of unrest. – It is important to us that our events are safe. After the events now, it is natural that we are in close dialogue with the police until the summer camp. She says that the event close to the sea on Tromøya in Arendal also has its own security measures. – We have our own guards who are present throughout our camp. General secretary, Mille Johanne Christensen of Unge Høyre, believes that close contact with the police and own security guards should contribute to increased security when they start their summer camp in Hove in August. Photo: Privat Set up own “terrorist group” There has been a lot of focus on politically motivated violence recently. The shooting in Oslo and the murder of a Swedish psychiatrist during the political Almedal week in Sweden have caused new unrest. news has told that the police in Agder do not introduce extra measures during Arendalsuka as a result of this, but that a separate assessment group has been established that looks at the threat at each and every event. The political youth organisations’ summer camps are also assessed, says Acting Chief of Staff in Agder Police District Vidar Arnesen. – We assess every single event that is registered or that the police pick up and think should be checked. The group will then consider whether and which measures should be implemented, he says. At the summer camps, this may mean that uniformed police are present, during the entire event or for periods. – We also have other measures that can be implemented, without going into detail on each one, says Arnesen. Separate crisis team The police have set up a separate assessment group to look at the threat to various events, says Acting Chief of Staff in Agder Police District, Vidar Arnesen. Photo: Agder police district Grønn Ungdom starts up on Risøya in Tvedestrand on 1 August. The political youth organization has its own contingency plans to reduce the chances of serious crises and to create security. That’s what spokesperson Ulrikke Torgersen says. – It is highly unlikely that Grønn Ungdom will be exposed to terror, but this is something we have a plan for, she says. Torgersen also says that they have an event manager, a separate security manager and a separate crisis team that is ready. It is unlikely that Grønn Ungdom’s summer camp will be exposed to terror. But spokesperson Ulrikke Torgersen says they have a comprehensive security plan. Photo: Marie Håland / news
