Increased interest in emergency storage at home – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Comedian Christer Torjussen has for the first time started to create a contingency stock at home. War, power rationing and the possibility of a national crisis have triggered the sudden interest. – These are uncertain times, he says. He is clearly not alone in feeling this way. Do you have an emergency stockpile at home? Noticing increasing interest Norwegian authorities have been making the call that all households should be able to fend for themselves for a few days in a crisis since the 1970s. Not many people took it seriously. Director of Communications at DSB Agnar Christensen. Photo: Stian Olberg / DSB – There has been a long period where this has not been as relevant, before we updated the advice again in 2018. This is according to director of communications in the Directorate for Community Security and Preparedness (DSB), Agnar Christensen. Then something happens. – Major dramatic events cause people to seek out our advice on self-preparedness. At the start of the pandemic, we saw a massive increase in traffic on We saw the same thing in February this year, when Russia invaded Ukraine, says Christensen. Overnight, interest increased sharply. Now things have calmed down somewhat, but interest is still higher than before the war started. From 10 September to 10 October, the website has been visited 97,900 times. Many things can go wrong, not just because there is war in Europe. The stream may be lost for longer periods. The water in the tap may become unsuitable for drinking or cooking. Payment machines may stop working, the pharmacy may run out of medicines. Then it might also be a good idea to have something in stock. The comedian’s warehouse – Come down and look at my warehouse, says Christer Torjussen. The comedian is a beginner in emergency preparedness, but he has something in place in the basement. In a cupboard there are rows of canned food, crackers, bagged food and noodles. In another cupboard there is water and wood. Maybe not as impressive. Torjussen will not keep warm for long with this attachment. Photo: Odd Henry Lindtner / news Quite why he has cake decorations in stock is worse to explain than batteries and flashlights. – It must be Saturday in a crisis too, he says with a smile. Mark it in the shops and Biltema is one of the chains that sells jugs and canisters calculated on the storage of water. In periods the product has been sold out. Biltema ran out of water cannons when the war in Ukraine broke out. Photo: Markus Thonhaugen / news – We have seen great growth in the turnover of this product group, says press contact Laila Solberg at Biltema. – We saw a sales explosion at the outbreak of the Ukraine war where we were also unable to cover the demand, she writes in an email. Now they have a much larger stock than before. In DSB, they are happy that people have started to prepare. – Unfortunately, it is the case that self-preparedness is more relevant than in many decades. It’s not just about the war in Ukraine, but also about wild weather that hits us harder and more often than before, says communications director Agnar Christensen. Your own emergency stockpile Photo: GAUTE GJØL DAHLE / DSB This is, according to the Directorate for Social Security and Emergency Preparedness, what you can have in your house to get by for three days: 9 liters of water per person Two packages of crisp bread per person One package of oatmeal per person Three cans of canned dinners or three bags of dry food per person Three cans of long shelf life cold cuts per person Some bags of dried fruit or nuts, biscuits and chocolate Medicines you depend on Wood, gas or kerosene stove for heating Grill or cooker that runs on gas Candles, torch with batteries, kerosene lamp Matches or lighter Warm clothes, blanket and sleeping bag First aid kit Battery-powered DAB radio Batteries, battery bank and mobile charger for the car Wet wipes and disinfectant Drying/toilet paper Some cash Extra fuel and wood/gas/kerosene/rubbing alcohol for heating and cooking Iodine tablets for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 18 (for use in nuclear incidents) Source: The brochure “You are part of Norway’s preparedness’, distributed by the Directorate for Social Security and Preparedness (DSB).
