Increase in youth robberies in Kristiansand and Bergen – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– They primarily rob expensive items that they are interested in themselves. It could be mobile phones, expensive jackets, headphones or other things that are attractive to steal, says Harald Hollerud. The head of investigations at Kristiansand police station has received an increasing number of such cases on his desk over the past year. This autumn, the number of robberies committed by minors has exploded. In September and October alone, young people under the age of 18 were behind eight robberies in the city. Most of the robberies have taken place in areas close to the city centre. – The development is serious. Both with regard to those who are exposed, but also because it spreads enormous fear among young people, says Hollerud. The police and others who work with young people in Kristiansand say that fear of snitching makes them afraid to speak up. – Both young people and parents refuse to contact the police for serious criminal offenses for fear of reprisals or exclusion, says Hollerud. So far this year, 17 robberies have been committed by minors. For comparison, there were 4 last year, 11 in 2020 and 2 in 2019. The majority of young people are aged 15 to 17, but may also be younger, according to the police. In the main, it is other minors who are robbed. Harald Hollerud and Anders Flottorp at Kristiansand police station say some of the perpetrators repeat themselves in several cases. Photo: Kjetil Samuelsen / news – A frightening experience news has spoken to the father of a minor who recently witnessed a friend being the victim of an attempted robbery. The friend was also hit several times with an object after the attempted robbery, which was carried out by another minor. The father wishes to remain anonymous, but says that the experience has affected both the child and them as parents. – Being stopped and threatened in an arena where you should feel safe is of course a terrifying experience. Now the parents are aware that the child should not go alone. They also prefer to see that the mobile phone is included. – It is a security for us to know that the child can get hold of us, says the father. Photo: SKJERMDUMP Recently, four minors were also subjected to a serious robbery at Roligheden Camping in Kristiansand. Hollerud confirms that those behind it were under 18 years of age. – We see it as a serious incident. Several arrests have been made in the case, says Hollerud. According to him, several of the perpetrators are suspected or charged in other similar cases. Exploded this summer In Bergen, they have also noticed an increase in youth robberies. It started there this summer. Station commander Lars Martin Lothe at the police station in the center says they had four or five cases during the summer. – We have a clear experience that there are several incidents where young people have threatened and deprived other young people of valuable objects. For example, shoes, clothes and bags, says Lothe. In addition to the autumn, there have also been several robberies in the districts. Lothe states that almost all the incidents can be considered resolved. Here at Torgallmenningen in Bergen, the police have started a separate project where they target young people who gather there. It has its origins in several incidents of violence. Photo: Ann Iren Tellnes Moe Have concern talks If the perpetrators are under 18, they have concern talks with their parents. – There we talk, among other things, about how it feels for those who are subjected to robbery or attempted robbery. – Do you have any idea why there have been more youth robberies in Bergen? – Clothes and shoes have become more expensive and there are greater economic differences between people than before. It may seem like an easy way to get something you can’t afford to get legally, Lothe believes. In Oslo, Stavanger and Tromsø, on the other hand, the number of youth robberies has decreased in the past year. In Oslo, 21 have been registered so far this year, which is a halving of the previous year. In Tromsø there are 5 and in Stavanger 8 youth robberies so far in 2022. news has also asked the police in Trondheim about the situation there, but has not yet received an answer. Station commander Lars Morten Lothe at Bergen city center police station suspects that greater economic differences between people contribute to the wave of robberies among young people. Photo: Mats Arnesen / news Be more “on” Johanne Benitez Nilsen works with crime prevention in Kristiansand municipality. She is well aware of the challenge of youth robbery and that it is difficult to get young people to tell. – When we ask, they dare not say who is involved or who has carried out the act. Often we don’t even hear about episodes until long afterwards, she says. Nilsen advises parents to be even more “on”. – Ask the young people who they are with and what is happening. Feel free to call during the evening to follow along. We parents can be very naive, says Nilsen. – It seems that young people have less respect for other people’s possessions, says Johanne Benitez Nilsen, who works with crime prevention. Photo: Heidi Ditlefsen / news
