Increase in nursing students, but not in internships – that worries students – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

– The government would rather have more nurses than get good nurses, says nursing student Hanne Elene Klungervik. From the autumn, 500 new study places were introduced in various nursing subjects. Molde University College gained ten more places in the nursing study this year, and will get twelve new ones next year. But several internships did not follow, and Klungervik believes that this means that you do not get the competence you need as a fully qualified nurse. Nursing student Hanne Elene Klungervik herself wants to work in a hospital when she graduates. Photo: Marius André Jenssen Stenberg / news Surgical practice in the home service These weeks she has surgical practice. Instead of taking part in operations in hospital, she has to travel around to those in need of care in Kristiansund municipality. She herself wants to work in a hospital when she has completed her education, and would therefore like to gain more relevant skills in practice. – I think it’s very sad, says the nursing student. – Terrified students Vegard Røen is in his final year of education. His litter has about six months left until they graduate, and are worried about the road ahead. – Many sit with the feeling of being terrified to stand there as fully qualified nurses, because we do not have the knowledge and the competence needed when we stand there as nurses. Vegard Røen, nursing student and student representative at the Norwegian Nurses’ Association Møre og Romsdal, and believes action must be taken to solve what he refers to as a “practice crisis”. Photo: Elin Kristin Raudøy / news Røen says it is good that there will be more nursing students. – But it doesn’t help to look at how many will enter, if we don’t get them through the course in a good, professional and responsible way. We must look at how we can solve the practice crisis. – A bottleneck State Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Oddmund Løkensgard Hoel, writes in an e-mail to news that this is an issue they are very focused on. State Secretary Oddmund Løkensgard Hoel writes that the regional healthcare organizations are working to increase the number of internships, and several have, among other things, set up their own coordination committees to contribute to this. Photo: Høgskulen i Vestlandet – Internships are a significant bottleneck for increasing educational capacity within health and social sciences. Løkensgard Hoel writes that the challenge with internships is greatest in the municipal health and care sector, and that more employees with higher education are needed there. – Regardless of the place of study and internship, the students can be sure that they will receive an educational course that will prepare them well for the tasks that will meet them in working life, the e-mail states. Reflect working life Rector at Molde University College, Steinar Westlie Kristoffersen, says they work continuously to get more internships. But he still believes that they are doing well enough, and that they meet the requirements in the regulations that apply to the study programmes. The rector at Molde University College says the practical training reflects the actual situation in working life. Photo: Molde University College The rector also reasons that there is a greater likelihood that nursing students will find work in the municipal sector in the future, than in, for example, hospitals. – Then our practical education must also reflect what is the actual situation outside. – Important input – That this comes from the students themselves is a clear food for thought. It confirms much of what we see ourselves, that there are large coals in practice. Guro Berge, head of education at Helse Møre og Romsdal, says it is in everyone’s interest to train professionally skilled nurses and that they work continuously on this. Photo: Lena Sæternes This is what the head of education at Helse Møre og Romsdal, Guro Berge, says. She says the input from the students is important for the health company. – We have now put in place more internships than we have done before. We manage to increase a little each year. But then it is also important to ensure that the quality of the studies is the best possible, says Berge. Hanne Elene Klungervik believes that the focus must be on training good nurses. Photo: Marius André Jenssen Stenberg / news Concern for quality Hanne Elene Klungervik is on her fourth and last internship period. When she practiced in psychiatry, she also ended up in home care. – After the psychiatric practice and this practice, I do not feel that I am left with any benefit in the areas we actually practice in. – What should be done then? – Focus on quality. Get good nurses. If I had ended up in hospital, I would not have had a nurse who did not know her job, or who had been unsure. Then I would be sure that I was well taken care of.
