In just under 2000, the corona medicine Paxlovid was introduced in Norway – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

After several delays, the new corona pill became available in Norwegian pharmacies on 8 December. But a new overview news has received from the Norwegian Directorate of Health shows that there are few people who have used the medicine: 566 packs have been dispensed with blue prescriptions Just under 100 packs have been delivered to nursing homes 1,200 packs have been sent out to specialist health services, but there are none updated figures – We would like to see more risk patients receive treatment with the tablets, says assistant director of health Espen Rostrup Nakstad. Sending out a letter In December, the Directorate of Health sent out a letter to the state administrators. In the letter, the Directorate of Health encouraged the municipalities to provide information about free self-tests and treatment with Paxlovid tablets. Now they have sent out a new reminder to the municipalities. – We want to make sure that self-tests for those in the target group are made known in every single municipality. It is important to test yourself quickly and start treatment within five days if the tablets are to have an effect, says Nakstad. Espen Nakstad believes that many people are not aware of the possibility of tablet treatment. Photo: Even Bjøringsøy Johnsen / Even Bjøringsøy Johnsen The Directorate of Health believes that the low numbers come from the fact that many people are not clear about the possibility of tablet treatment. – Part of the problem is that more people over 65 are not aware that they can receive tablet treatment if they have an underlying illness, says Nakstad. – Several people over 80 are probably not aware that they are automatically in the target group from the age of 80, adds the assistant director of health. Encourage early treatment Patients with a high risk of developing a serious illness can be offered treatment with the tablets. The medicine is free for those in the risk group. The medicine inhibits the virus. It will therefore not spread as quickly in the body. The encouragement is to start the treatment as soon as you notice symptoms. – If you get started quickly with tablet treatment, you will get less virus in your body and become less ill. This will prevent hospitalization for those who would otherwise be at high risk of it, says Nakstad. Can prevent admissions Nakstad hopes the medicine will reduce serious illness and ease the pressure on the health service. He says that around 300 patients are admitted to hospital every week because of corona. Just as many are admitted with covid-19 as a co-diagnosis. – It is a level that has been persistently high for the past two months, and which currently shows no signs of abating. Do you think those who are admitted now would have had an effect from medical treatment? – We believe that many of those who are admitted with covid-19 could have benefited from medical treatment if they had started early, Nakstad replies.
