In Bergen, Høgre quarrels with Høgre about MDG cooperation – news Vestland

In recent days, Høgre has been conducting crisis management after the party summit in Bergen signaled that, under given circumstances, it may be appropriate to enter into a relationship with the MDG. The core of the conflict is the following statement from city council leader candidate Christine Meyer (H), which she gave to Bergens Tidende, and then tried to withdraw: “Should it turn out on election night that we will not get a majority, we must sit down and find out what are we going to do.” Although the statement was never so cautious, he has nevertheless created waves among party comrades and with permanent partner the Progress Party, which responded by calling for a “Higher guarantee against the MDGs”. A guarantee they in turn got, and which was repeated at Politisk kvarter on Friday morning. Has city council leader candidate Christine Meyer (H) left the door open for MDG, or not? That’s the question. Photo: NTB Going back to the quote in the newspaper – It came out a bit odd, and therefore we are now coming with a clarification: It is that it is not appropriate to go to the city council with the MDG, clarified Meyer. – Why did you say something you didn’t mean to BT, asked program manager Bjørn Myklebust. – I have said for a long time that the MDGs are far from us, and that it will be very difficult to cooperate with them in the city council. We will not go to city council with the MDG, repeated Meyer. Whether the clarification is enough to calm the storm is still not a given. “Too married to count” The background is the statement that she “doesn’t like that word” (guarantee) and old statements from 2022. Then she said that she “can be open” to sharing the stools with MDG on the condition that they ” changes a lot of his policy”. Behind the noise are two factors: the falling shape of the opinion polls and a “clothing problem” from the MDGs. To take the last first. The Bergen expression klessetryne refers to a person who, because of their appearance or demeanor, encourages those around them to slap him or her in the face. In this case, the alleged clothing line is the MDG summit Thor Haakon Bakke, who according to BT commentator Hans K. Mjelva is “too married to count” in Høgre-krinsar. The explanation is what is categorized as Bakke’s “very confrontational style”. – Not quite unlike Lan Marie Berg, said Mjelva in Politisk kvarter. The MDG summit Thor Haakon Bakke says it is too early in the morning to answer whether he is a “clothing wretch” or not. Photo: Synne Lykkebø Hafsaas / news Higher wavers on measurements The most important reason for the noise is, however, that, as Bergens Tidende writes, “there is no longer a smooth road to pluralism”. The background is that shows that support for Høgre has fallen during the summer months. In news’s ​​survey before the summer, Høgre received a support of 34.1 per cent. In BT’s surveys, support has fallen noticeably over the summer for the party in Bergen. After peaking in the 40s in June (38.7 per cent), support dropped to 32 per cent in August. In the very last measurement, the “tax meter” stops at 27.6 per cent. In other words, the “dream coalition” consisting of Frp, KrF, Venstre and Høgre is no longer enough to touch the magic majority line of 34 city council members. In the latest poll, the four-leaf clover stops at 33. Right 22 city council members Frp 5 city council members Left 4 city council members KrF 2 city council members Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / news Perfect timing for INP? The city council leader candidate for Høgre has been aware that neither Bergenslisten nor INP “are relevant in my city council” and that the two are, if possible, even further from their platforms than the MDG. So who will help the right “over the line”? That’s the question. Or as the political editor of Bergens Tidende, Eirin Eikefjord summarizes: – While Høgre reached the peak of form far too early, the Industrial and Business Party (INP) seals the deal with almost perfect timing. INP top Ann Jorun Hillersøy takes voters along the entire line from Rødt to Frp. Photo: Silje Rognsvåg / news
