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– It is clear that it is special to be in the championship without following my own, so it will be a bit strange, but that is the way it is, says Gjert Ingebrigtsen to news. Gjert Ingebrigtsen is in Munich to guide the student Narve Gilje Nordås, who runs 5000 meters against Jakob Ingebrigtsen on Tuesday evening. news meets him outside the athletes’ hotel a few hours before they go into action outside the athletes’ hotel, a short drive north from the Olympic Stadium. The WC in Eugene in July was the first time Gjert Ingebrigtsen was not present in a major international championship while one of his sons was running. The EC in Munich is the first championship where he is present, but is not responsible for one of the running sons Henrik, Filip or Jakob Ingebrigtsen. – It’s obviously strange… When you say that, I’m basically not interested enough to define myself as a coach for anyone other than my own children, that would have been completely unthinkable a relatively short time ago. – On the other hand, I have had Narve since he was 15-16 years old and have an obligation I feel in relation to following him on. So we’ll see. That’s why I’m doing this, I hadn’t raised my hand and signed up as a trainer, “Hello, now I’m free, does anyone want to be trained?”. Will not force dialogue Since February, father Ingebrigtsen has been without coaching responsibility for his sons. The eldest son Henrik said in a press release that it was no longer possible to combine father-son and coach-athlete relationships, and in March Gjert admitted that there had been a strain in the family. On Saturday, youngest running brother Jakob answered “no” to questions that he was not going to have a dialogue with his father during the EC. He elaborated that he is there to run, not to have a dialogue with anyone. Gjert Ingebrigtsen has heard the statements and respects that his son will focus one hundred percent on the running in Munich. – Now I came yesterday, and I don’t think Jakob is here yet. So for now, nothing, and there’s no intention of messing around based on his statement on Saturday, it doesn’t seem like there’s any tremendous interest in any dialogue, and I’m not going to push for any dialogue. – He chooses himself who he wants and does not want to talk to, and he says he is here to do a job and have contact with as few people as possible, and you have to respect that. – Blood is thicker than water At the same time, Gjert Ingebrigtsen says that it is a little different without any responsibility for the sons. And the feeling in the body is a little different when they run than when Nordås is going into action. – I know that I don’t carry the same nervousness as I did when Jakob and Henrik were going to run in the same race, or Fillip and… Having two of their own who are going to run against each other is worse than having one who is mine and one that is not mine, it feels a little easier, says Gjert Ingebrigtsen – and continues: WC KING: Jakob Ingebrigtsen could celebrate gold in the 5000 meters in the WC. He also took the silver in the 1500 meters. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB – So blood is thicker than water, that’s how it is. Although I support both, I am related to one of them. It was in the EC that Ingebrigtsen’s success story really began: Henrik Ingebrigtsen ran to gold in the 1,500 meters in 2012. Filip won gold in the same distance in 2016, before Jakob completed the gold streak in the 1,500 meters in 2018. In the same year, it was double Ingebrigtsen in the 5,000 meters : 17-year-old Jakob Ingebrigtsen took the gold. Big brother Henrik took the silver. Now the latter is involved as a supporting player and all-rounder for Munich. – Can be anything between heaven and earth For his own student, he hopes that it is possible to bring out the potential that he sees in training. He believes Narve Gilje Nordås has more to go on than what he has achieved during his participation in the Diamond League and World Cup. – I’m not sure if we’ve managed to crack the code lately, but there are things that indicate that at least it feels much easier, says Ingebrigtsen. Nordås was knocked out in the 5,000 meter trial at the WC in Eugene. In the EC there is a direct final with 25 runners. – I think a race where it goes reasonably well, that there is a good stretch in the field and it doesn’t clump together, I think it will suit him best. There he feels that he is running. If there is a lot of start-stop and a bit of pushing and such, it will quickly become strained. – It will be exciting to watch, and the fact that it is a direct final means that there is nothing to save, just run. It’s first man to the finish line. He has great physical potential, so he can become anything between heaven and earth. When summarizing the championship, there are two things that apply. – I am very satisfied if the family takes some medals and Narve gets the best he could in the 5000. So a bit of one and a bit of the other, then I am very happy.
