– If you are not prepared for snow, you have nothing to do with vegans – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The first snow of the season on Monday caused long queues and a number of traffic accidents in the East and South Norway. And today it is expected that both snow and ice will bring difficult driving conditions in the east, south and west. Since the traffic chaos on Monday was partly caused by motorists with summer tyres, the press release from NAF is clear this round of bad weather: – If you are not prepared for snow, you have nothing to do with vegans. Snow drifts in southern Norway From and including Wednesday evening, heavy snow drifts have been reported in the mountains in southern Norway, with strong winds and periods of snow. This particularly applies to the west side of the mountain, south of Finse. The storm can lead to snow on the road, queue driving and closed roads. Early in the day on Thursday, the weather will change to less wind and snow drifts. While there is snow in the mountains, snow is also expected in the lowlands. SNOW: State meteorologist John Smits says a yellow warning is expected for snowdrifts in southern parts of Austlandet. Photo: Tore Meek / NTB State meteorologist John Smits says that there will be a lot of snow in southern Austlandet during the day. – There will be snow in many places in southern Austlandet, which in turn can lead to challenging driving conditions later in the afternoon, he says. Be prepared The National Roads Administration and the county municipalities, together with the police, had a meeting on Wednesday about how they can be as prepared as possible. – The information we’re sitting on right now is that we don’t know what’s going to hit us, says Tore Jan Hansen, director of the Norwegian Road Administration’s department for operation and maintenance. Tore Jan Hansen, director of the Norwegian Road Administration’s department for operation and maintenance. Photo: Statens vegvesen Telemark and Vestfold county council are encouraging their residents to consider whether it is necessary to drive a car tomorrow. If you do not have to go out, it is best to use public transport, the county council wrote in a press release. On Monday, a wagon train E18 blocked close to Telemarkporten. Several people stood in stationary queues for many hours. To avoid the same situation, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration has taken some steps. – We now have a wheel loader available there ready to pull, should we end up in the same situation again. A wheel loader is ready at Telemarksporten. Photo: Håkon Lie / news He goes on to say that the police are also considering whether they want to set up their own patrol which will send out a tow truck if there should be an actual situation. – We are completely dependent on the tow truck arriving at the traffic jam, whether it is an accident scene or a heavy vehicle blocking the road, he says. Road users must be extra careful Hansen points out that regardless of the weather conditions, motorists have an independent responsibility. – We are not allowed to plow while the snow is in the air and we are not allowed to do anything in the world until the weather situation is there. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration has sent out a press release asking road users to be extra careful over the next 24 hours. Hansen tells news that it’s not just a matter of whether you have winter tires or not. But the way it is driven, and whether you actually have to go out and drive. We cannot do this alone, he says. – The motorist must take responsibility and take precautions. Consider the need for driving and not least the driving pattern, he points out. Urges to use spikes Difficult driving conditions are expected due to ice in parts of Agder, Hordaland and Rogaland. Therefore, the Meteorological Institute also encourages people in the area to use stingers. – It is raining from the south towards Agder and southern Western Norway. It starts as snow a little in from the coast, but then the temperature rises and the precipitation changes to rain. We have a danger warning out that there may be rain that freezes on cold ground in parts of Rogaland, Vestland county and western parts of Agder, says Smits. But the snowy weather does not last long in the lowlands and in the south, adds the meteorologist. As early as tomorrow, the snow will fall away, while it will continue to snow in the interior and higher areas. The Red Cross is ready In the chaos that occurred at Telemarksporten on Monday, the Red Cross was notified by the police to help evacuate motorists who had been queuing for up to nine hours. – We have not come across this type of mission in the years I have been here, says Stian Tangen, operational manager of the Porsgrunn Red Cross Aid Corps. Stian Tangen is operational manager of the Porsgrunn Red Cross Relief Corps. Photo: Nils Fridtjof Skumsvoll / news Tangen says that they are prepared and ready if this happens again. – We prepare ourselves internally to use the resources that are required. We have ATVs and an emergency ambulance that is staffed. The Red Cross also has the opportunity to establish an evacuation and relatives center at the house. – We have our own care group which has emergency guards, who can help with food and drink if needed. We are ready all the time.
