IDF soldiers arrested for gross abuse of Palestinian prisoner – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– We are here to let the people know that no one can take our soldiers, our brothers to war. So says Jen Frieman, one of several hundred Israelis who on Monday tried to get into the Sde Teiman detention camp, where thousands of Palestinians have been sent during the war. Gross mistreatment They are demonstrating against the arrest of nine IDF reservists, who have been arrested for gross mistreatment of a Palestinian prisoner in the detention camp. The Guardian writes that the arrest must have been announced through the Israeli Defense Forces radio channel. It was informed that the abuse must have happened in the prison in Sde Teiman three weeks ago. The Palestinian man is said to have been subjected to extensive sexual abuse, and to have been taken to a hospital with very serious injuries, including in the anus, write Israeli media. Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich is among those who have reacted to the arrest. “IDF soldiers deserve respect” and should not be “treated as criminals,” Smotrich said in a video Monday, according to the Times of Israel. Palestinian prisoners after being released by Israeli forces in December. The picture does not show the prisoner who is said to have been abused by the IDF reservists. Photo: Said Khatib / AFP In addition to civilians, members of the Israeli National Assembly also helped break into the camp, writes the Israeli newspaper Ynet. Among other things, the Israeli politician Zvi Sukkot in the Religious Zionist Party. The party is led by Finance Minister Smotrich. Ministers criticize the arrest Justice Minister Yariv Levin is also critical of the arrest of Israeli soldiers. He says it was shocking to see pictures of soldiers being arrested “in a way that one arrests dangerous criminals”. Economy and Industry Minister Nir Barkat urges the Minister of Justice to “put a stop to this abominable court case”. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has condemned the demonstrations against the arrest, but has not commented on the arrest. The demonstrators wanted to break into the military court to release the nine Israeli reservists. Photo: Oren Ziv / AFP A demonstrator present is surprised that the military has arrested Israeli reservists. – We think this is happening because the government, and especially the legal apparatus, is trying to look good in front of the court in The Hague, says Gillard Ach. The police were able to remove the demonstrators from the detention camp. Later in the evening, demonstrators tried to enter the Beit Lid military base, where the military court is located, believing that this is where the arrested reservists are staying. Whistleblowers report psychological torture Thousands of Palestinians have been sent to Sde Teiman during the war. The camp is a combination of a field hospital and a prison. The human rights organization Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHRI) has made a survey of the conditions in the camp. The stories that have come from there are horrific. A Palestinian man is welcomed by family and friends after being released by Israeli forces on 1 July. Photo: Bashar Taleb / AFP PHRI reports on prisoners who are bound and blindfolded throughout their stay. Many are there for over a month before being driven back to the Gaza Strip. CNN has spoken to three Israeli whistleblowers who have worked in the detention camp. None of the whistleblowers dare to come forward by name, for fear of reprisals. They said that they constantly had to amputate the feet and hands of the prisoners, because they were tied up for too long. – They (the prisoners, editor’s note) are stripped of everything that resembles human flesh, says one of the whistleblowers who worked as health personnel at the detention camp. Palestinian men in the Gaza Strip display their bodies after being released by the Israeli forces. Photo: Bashar Taleb / AFP Also in April, a doctor at the field hospital in Sde Teiman sent a warning letter to Israel’s Minister of Health. The doctor described inhumane conditions, and pointed out that the prisoners are fed with straws, use nappies and are very physically restricted. The Israeli Defense Forces have confirmed that the chained prisoners must wear diapers. The doctor describes the amputation of hands and feet as routine. Published 30.07.2024, at 09.43 Updated 30.07.2024, at 09.48
