Ibrahim visited his newborn nephew – then came the explosions – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– In a few seconds everything changed, Ararawi tells news by phone from Jenin. It is the first time he has been with his family in three years. He traveled from Norway to meet his newborn nephew. In addition, his sister is expecting a new child. Little did he know that he would end up in Israel’s biggest military offensive in the West Bank in 20 years. The Israeli Defense Forces have moved into the refugee camp in Jenin with 2,000 soldiers, hundreds of armored vehicles, and special forces. He was sitting at home in his parents’ living room in the refugee camp when they heard the first explosion. – Suddenly they were there with vehicles and weapons. We could hear shots everywhere, he says. Around 18,000 people live in the refugee camp in the city of Jenin, which is located in the north of the West Bank. In the sky above him, Ararawi could see helicopter gunships heading for Jenin. The smoke from the explosions began to rise. Then electricity and internet were cut. – I could hear a lot of shots. Lots of explosions. It was extremely scary. I don’t know how to describe it, says Ararawi. Israel has attacked the refugee camp in Jenin in recent days. The attack is one of the largest against the West Bank in 20 years. “Counter-terror operation” With, among other things, drones and combat helicopters, the Israeli army has attacked the densely populated refugee camp in the city of Jenin in the West Bank. The Jerusalem Post writes that the Israeli army has destroyed more than 20 targets. In addition, they have “neutralized” several other targets, including a hiding place for weapons under a mosque in the city. Israeli authorities call it a “comprehensive counter-terror operation”. In the last 18 months, a number of attacks on Israelis have been carried out by Palestinians from Jenin. At least 24 Israelis have been killed. Israeli strikes have in turn killed almost 150 Palestinians. Early on Monday morning, smoke could be seen rising from the refugee camp in Jenin. Photo: AFP Gunfire and explosions have characterized both the city and the refugee camp, which is a core area for armed Palestinian resistance to the Israeli occupation. Several militant groups are located there and call themselves the “Jenin Brigades”. The Palestinians in Jenin believe they have every right to fight Israel’s occupation by all means. For them, this is a just struggle of resistance against the occupation of their areas which has lasted for over 75 years. The Israeli army estimates that there are around 150 wanted suspects in Jenin. At least nine people have been killed by Israeli forces. 100 others are injured. At the same time, the UN Office for Emergency Relief (OCHA) states that three minors are among those killed. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that aid workers are denied access to the refugee camp to assist the wounded. – There is bombing from the air and an invasion on the ground, says Mahmoud al-Saadi, leader of the Palestinian Red Crescent in Jenin. Flee with the family On Monday night, Ararawi and other civilians were given the opportunity to flee the camp, at the request of the Israeli army. Together with his mother and two brothers, he traveled to his sister, 10 minutes from the camp. His father refused to join. Several Palestinians have fled Jenin after the Israeli army entered the city. Photo: AFP – He is very stubborn. He would stay behind to look after the house. He said he doesn’t want to run away like everyone else. Ararawi has a third brother who traveled to one of the hospitals in the camp to help the injured. – My father does not want to leave my brother. The deputy governor of Jenin, Kamal Abu al-Roub says that approximately 3,000 people have fled. They are now working to place them in schools and the shelter. Ararawi says that the family finds the whole situation extremely exhausting. – I hope they find peace, he says.
