– I will try to forget everything – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– My name is Yamen and I am from Norway. Journalists news collaborates with in Gaza meet the little boy at the border station in Rafah. He is anxiously waiting to be released from the war-torn area. – I am happy that I am going back to Norway. I’m afraid of the war. I miss all my friends there, and the school. Yamen and his mother will be evacuated from Gaza on Saturday. Photo: Ahmed Abu Kmeil The war destroyed everything, he explains, so now they have to leave. – I played a lot in Gaza. And when I come to Norway I will play football, go to school and play with my friends. Do anything. Amal is also looking forward to playing football. At the same time, she is worried about her family, who cannot escape the war. 146 Norwegians, half of them children, have been given permission to cross the border crossing into Egypt. All of the children interviewed in this case are on the list that governs who is allowed to leave Gaza. news meets them with their family. Will forget everything Norske Mohammed and Rahad in Rafah. Photo: Ahmed Abu Kmeil – Of course I was scared, says young Mohammed, – our house fell on top of us. It is an indescribable feeling to travel from a country in full war, and to safe Norway – completely without war, he says. – I will try to forget everything that has happened to me. I’m going to do anything I want. The young children have experienced five weeks of war. Norwegian Raghad says she is completely exhausted. When news first meets Raghad at the border crossing in Rafah, she does not know that she is on the evacuation list. She quickly says the rule she has learned: – My name is Raghad. I come from Gaza in Palestine. I was born in 2012 and am 10 years old. Now I live in Jabalia. Dad’s phone number is … Still allowed to leave Mohammed Alsayed has been waiting since October 7 to get his wife and children out of Gaza. Yesterday, the news finally arrived that the children Murad (7) and Joanna (9) are on the list of the 146 Norwegian citizens to be evacuated from Gaza on Saturday. But the joy was short-lived. The children’s mother, Sherin, was not on the list. – It was a shock. I don’t know how it will be. I don’t have enough information, says the concerned husband to news. TV 2 discussed the family’s story first. Alsayed was informed that only the children were to be evacuated on Friday evening. On Saturday, Alsayed received a phone call from Sherin. She has also gotten out and travels with the children. – Part of the worry is gone, but I am still very worried about dad, mum, my siblings and her siblings, says Alsayed. 100 Norwegians evacuated Siri Svendsen in the Foreign Ministry writes in an e-mail to news that there are various reasons why people on the Foreign Ministry’s lists have not received permission to cross the border. – There are several actors who have influence over who is given permission to leave Gaza and who comes across the border. We are in ongoing contact with the Israeli and Egyptian authorities and the de facto governing authorities in Gaza, to help ensure that all Norwegian citizens who have asked for assistance to leave Gaza are allowed to leave, writes Svendsen. She also writes that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not wish to comment on individual cases. – Persons who have received permission to cross the border, but who may not be able to get there, will have the opportunity to cross the next day or later. So far, 100 Norwegians and people with connections to Norway have been evacuated from the Gaza Strip. The evacuation of Norwegian citizens began this week. 270 Norwegian citizens have asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for help to get out of the war-torn area. On 7 October, war again broke out between Israel and Palestine. Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, then attacked Israeli kibbutzim near the Gaza border. In total, over 1,200 were killed. Israel responded with a ground invasion in the north of Gaza, as well as airstrikes throughout the territory. Almost 12,000 Palestinians have been killed in the war.
