– I was in the wrong booth – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

Ebba Andersson won the race ahead of Jessie Diggins and Heidi Weng. – It was just then. I was in the wrong booth for a while there, says Heidi Weng and smiles at news’s ​​reporter. Many widened their eyes when the Norwegian star came in to change skis halfway through the 20-kilometer course in Granåsen. The 32-year-old went a couple of meters too far and had to turn around and trip back to the ski stall marked with her start number. Has gone wrong in the past. Thus she lost several valuable seconds. Weng still managed to move into a strong third place, behind the winner Ebba Andersson and Jessie Diggins. – I think I was so focused on just passing the Swede, then it was a bit too far. Then I just thought that I had to calm down completely. It went well, too, she says. ON THE PODIUM: Heidi Weng was third. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB – How do you find the right booth? – I have never walked past the stall before. I had a Japanese guy walk into my stall once and start putting on my skis. I was a bit in my own world there and focused on getting my skates on, Weng replies. It is not the first time that the Norwegian star has messed up a bit on the cross-country trail. In 2015, Weng was led out of the stadium in tears after finishing a lap too early. On Saturday, the mistake was not particularly decisive for Weng, who was delighted with third place. – I wouldn’t have thought that when I was out at the classic section. I didn’t get to go relaxed in classic, but then came the skating, and I had such amazing skis. Then I thought I could save the day here, says Weng. Norwegian great talent in tears However, it was not only Weng who got into trouble during the ski change. The great Norwegian talent Margrethe Bergane took a full 1 minute and 36 seconds to switch from classic to skate skiing. – Margrethe is in tears here. Bergane’s race is now ruined, said news’s ​​commentator Jann Post. GREAT TALENT: Margrethe Bergane struggled with the binding. Photo: Ulf Palm/TT / NTB Bergane was very distraught after the incident. – I couldn’t tie the binding, which was very hard. I was very distraught and wondered how long I would have to stand there, but it finally fell into place, says Bergane. – How will you look back on that change of skis? – Right now it’s very awkward and boring, but eventually I hope it’s possible to laugh about it, replies the 22-year-old, who ended up number 27. Norwegian star broke There were challenging conditions at times in Granåsen on Saturday. It was damp weather and the tracks were occasionally icy, which meant that many people struggled with the mount. Among them was last year’s comet Anne Kjersti Kalvå. – Anne Kjersti had problems getting up the hill. She had real problems with the party, said news expert Anders Aukland during the race. GA SEG: Anne Kjersti Kalvå had to break the 20 kilometer distance. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB Even before the change of skis, Kalvå went off the track and broke the race. – AK has stood down. AK has stood down, you could hear on the national cross-country team’s radio. It was a marked Kalvå who met news after the race. She still does not want to blame the skis. – Nothing works. I can’t take it in properly. I don’t like how my body works now. Then there was no point in pushing. I have a bad feeling, and have to come up with something smart for Christmas, says the 31-year-old, who had a great season last year. – We saw you had a few misses. How was the skiing? – No, I had good skis. I just can’t ski well, she replies. 12 Norwegian ladies took part in the distance, which is new to the program in next year’s WC. In the past, the women have walked 15 kilometres, while the men have walked 30 kilometres, but during the WC in just over a year, both women and men will walk 20 kilometres. The men will go out in the same exercise at 13.15. On Sunday, both classes compete in the 10 kilometer classic.
