– I was attacked when I demonstrated against the warship – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– This is Norway’s security, said Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp) when he visited the USS “Gerald R. Ford” a few days ago. But when the ship sailed into Oslo harbor in the morning hours yesterday, Selma and her group of friends gathered. For her and her friends, the sight of the ship was anything but reassuring. – It’s really scary and me and my friends are scared. Selma Flo-Munch spent many hours on Thursday designing text for the posters. I wrote what felt right, she says. Photo: Sofia Storhaug / news A total of 200 posters were hung in Oslo’s streets. It was TV2 that first wrote about this. “Yankee go home” is the message on the posters. The activists believe the American visit is an unnecessary provocation. Never experienced The posters provoked strong reactions from some, and when she hung up posters between the Town Hall and the National Theater something happened that she had never experienced before. – I was attacked when I demonstrated against the warship. There was a man who pushed me and refused to put up the posters. He shouted that I was ugly and disgusting before he physically attacked me. It got so bad that a passer-by had to come and stop him, she claims. The man was not the only one who made it uncomfortable for the activists. Selma made glue from flour and water and hung up over 200 posters around Oslo’s streets. Photo: Sofia Storhaug / news – It was mostly older men in their 50s who were rude to us. There was, for example, someone who said that we supported Putin. In the comment fields they called us Quisling and another wrote that Russia should come just to get us, she says. As an activist, Flo-Munch is used to people disagreeing with her. But never before has she experienced so much negative feedback. Defense experts disagree on how the Russians are reacting. Afraid of nuclear war – I’m not going to lie and say it’s not disgusting. – So why do you continue? – The alternative is much worse. It is nastier and scarier that there is a danger of nuclear war, she says. With her to the Debate she has her boyfriend and partner Markus Amund Sæther. Selma Flo-Munch was supported by her boyfriend when she took part in the Debate on Thursday. Photo: Sofia Storhaug / news – Why don’t you trust the government? – Today I read on news that it is not Norway that will decide how far north the ship will sail. It is the Americans who decide. I feel to a great extent that the government allows the American military to make decisions that are important for Norway, she says and adds: – I also find it disturbing that the government has now and in the past put a stop to Norway signing the nuclear weapons ban . The 22-year-old activist is the fourth deputy for Red in Parliament. Lately she has been struggling with sleeping at night and has not been able to sleep. Selma Flo-Munch and her boyfriend were both involved in demonstrating against the warship that sailed in on Thursday. Photo: Sofia Storhaug / news Nothing to fear Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp) believes she has little to fear. – I understand that large weapons systems can cause concern. But the reason we have a defense is to be safe if someone attacks us. We must ensure safety, says Gram. – You say it’s safe, while a 22-year-old girl says she can’t sleep at night. How do you calm her down? – There is no threat to Norway. We are neighbors to Russia and allies to the United States, says the defense minister. Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram promises that there are no nuclear weapons on board. Being corrected by the orlog captain Tor Ivar Strømmen – Yes, it is! – Not unlikely Naval captain at the Naval Academy Tor Ivar Strømmen knows the ship in and out and does not rule out nuclear weapons. – American vessels, especially aircraft carriers and submarines, usually have such weapons on board. But the US will never confirm or deny that. So we don’t really know if they have nuclear weapons with them now – but it’s not unlikely. Hello! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue
