– I was afraid of what could happen if I said no – news Vestland

The now 18-year-old woman was crying and clearly distressed when she entered the courtroom in Hordaland District Court on Tuesday. She is one of three women who have been offended in the much-publicised assault case in Bergen, where five men in their 20s stand accused of three different assaults. Three of the men allegedly tied up a woman and raped her. One allegedly raped another woman while she was sleeping. In addition, three of them are accused of having sexual intercourse with the woman who testified today. When the incident happened, she was 15 years old and thus below the legal age for sexual intercourse. All five defendants had to leave the courtroom and follow the woman’s explanation from another room. Became known on Snapchat The incident, which today was the subject of the court case, is said to have happened one night in the winter of 2020. Then the victim was in the 10th grade. One of the three defendants had the girl on Snapchat, and that is where they made contact this evening. According to the girl, the defendant responded to a “snap story” in which she asked for a ride. She was with the three defendants in a car that drove to the home of one of the men. There, the three of them are said to have had sex with her in the middle. The woman said she didn’t want to, but never said no. – I was afraid of what might happen if I said no, the girl said during the trial today. All five defendants pleaded not guilty on all counts. These are the defendants Man (23) indicted both for aggravated rape in January 2021 together with two others, and for sexual intercourse with an underage girl in 2020. Man (24) indicted for aggravated rape in January 2021 along with two others. Man (26) charged with aggravated rape in January 2021 together with two others. Man (24) indicted for sexual intercourse with a minor girl in January 2020. Man (25) indicted both for sexual intercourse with a minor girl in January 2020 and for rape in the summer of 2018. In my opinion, the assault was filmed and shared. The victim further said that he felt in the minority, since there were three men and she was alone. Although she never said no, she expressed her unwillingness by being passive, she explained. In addition, what she describes as a rape must have been filmed and sent by one of the defendants. – I saw the flash. It was unpleasant. I didn’t want them to film. The accused man, who is said to have filmed the incident, told the hearing himself that he had filmed it. During the trial, he nevertheless added that he was unsure whether it was the offended woman he had filmed, or someone else at a later time. “Doubles” and “Triplings” Filming of sex and group sex has been a theme throughout the court case. Already on their first day in court, the prosecutor describes the accused as a gang of boys with an interest in expensive cars, and who had as a hobby having sex with several people at the same time. Pictures and videos have also been shown to substantiate what the prosecutor calls a lifestyle with a lot of focus on sex and group sex. The words “doubling” and “tripling” have been repeated in the case. The accused have used the words to describe sex with two boys and a girl, and three boys and a girl. Prosecutor Benedicte Hordnes began early on by portraying the defendants as a gang of boys with an interest in group sex. Here together with assistant lawyer Hilde Cecilie Matre. Photo: Valentina Baisotti Explained behind closed doors The abuse case has received a lot of attention, especially on social media. There, several people have shared the names and pictures of both the accused and witnesses. Yesterday it was therefore decided that the rest of the trial will mainly be behind closed doors. This means that the public is not allowed to follow the case. It is only open to pressure. The prosecutor in the case, Benedicte Hordnes, believes it was absolutely necessary to close the doors. – The offended, the witness and the accused find it difficult to explain themselves, for fear of what will be spread, she says. Defense attorney John Christian Elden says it is a shame that the court had to close its doors. – It’s not okay that people can’t behave. Now it was absolutely necessary in this matter.
