I think there will be a discussion about million-dollar subsidies after SP’s flirtation with the right wing – news Nordland

The Center Party has received NOK 15.35 million from the Trade Union since 2015. Their biggest contributor every single year, except in 2021 when LO topped them and donated NOK 3 million. But now the Center Party is flirting with the Conservative Party in, among other places, Narvik and Trondheim. Also in Meløy, SP will negotiate with Høyre and Frp. In Bodø, SP enters into an electoral technical cooperation with the bourgeois position. In Nordland and Trøndelag, the Center Party has already accepted the proposal of the Conservative Party. A collaboration between the Center Party and the bourgeois wing rhymes badly with the political profile the Trade Union wants. – If it is the case that the Center Party lands on the bourgeois side, that will worry me. Quite obvious, says leader of the Trade Union Nordland Tore Andre Jakobsen. In Bergen, there was also a political romance going on – before the Center Party withdrew due to disagreements about the light rail. Can put support into play Jakobsen is clear that it is not unusual for parties to probe the possibilities after elections and look for impact for their policies. He emphasizes that it is not unreasonable, but that he is concerned with the result after the probe. – The financial support we give to political parties is an overall assessment considering whether we have common values ​​and receive support from the union’s members. It is a matter that must be assessed from time to time. The support that the Trade Union gives is based on an overall assessment of whether the parties support their values, says Jakobsen. Photo: Privat And if the parties the Trade Union supports move away from their values, the support can be further assessed: – Regardless of the party that moves away from our important issues, that support is put into play. – If Sp goes to the bourgeois side in several places, is it appropriate to reassess that support? – I guess there will be a discussion, yes. Without prejudging the outcome of that discussion. There will be an overall assessment. Allocations without guidelines In Trondheim, the Center Party’s potential collaboration with the Conservative Party has led to reactions from LO. – We from LO expect that the red-green parties have gained a majority and that they will use that majority, said leader Svein Åge Samuelsen of LO in Trondheim to Adresseavisen. The “threat” from the LO leader in Trondheim caused others to react strongly, including Erlend Wiborg in the FRP who called it obvious corruption. Trond Jensrud, head of the Politics and Community Department at the central Swedish Trade Union Confederation, emphasizes that their donations to the Center Party are not accompanied by a list of demands. – None of our grants come with guidelines. Our decisions are based solely on the fact that we give support to parties that pursue a policy that hits our members’ interests, he says to news. – It has not been made and we are not going to make demands, says Trond Jensrud about the donations to the Center Party and other political parties. Photo: Yrkestrafikkforbundet – But if a party chooses a side other than the one that favors its members, do you then have to reconsider the support? – We are not going to reassess the support, but we assess every single year which parties we should give election campaign grants to, Jensrud replies and adds: – It is not done in a vacuum. He distances himself from what the LO leader in Trondheim says. – LO in Trondheim has absolutely nothing to do with it. In my opinion, those statements from LO in Trondheim are completely unreasonable. The right made a very good choice in Trondheim. The Center Party in the same city is now in talks with the party. Photo: Vegard Blakstad / news – So if the Center Party chooses to cooperate with the bourgeois wing in several places, won’t there be consequences? – It is dealt with from time to time. But it’s not like we have any sanctions. But no one is guaranteed to get any grant from the Trade Union.
