I think the weather forecast is too pessimistic

– We have been lucky with the weather, we didn’t think so. Torrential rain had been reported so we were a bit skeptical, but everything is changing for the better, says Per Ola Kleppe. Together with his extended family, he took the chance to go on a trip to the Reindalsseter tourist cabin on Sunnmøre despite bad weather reports. Worse visited Styrar at Reindalsseter tourist cabin Ole Andreas Mikkelsen Rønningen says that they have had fewer visitors in raw. Photo: Øyvind Berge Sæbjørnsen / news Reindalsseter tourist cabin lies 710 meters above sea level and is the Ålesund-Sunnmøre Tourist Association’s most visited cabin. But this summer there has been far less activity. – We’ve had cancellations due to the weather, and it won’t be so bad after all, says cabin manager Ole Andreas Mikkelsen Rønningen. Linda Flem, day-to-day manager of DNT Sunnmøre, thinks the weather forecast this summer has been too pessimistic. Photo: Øyvind Berge Sæbjørnsen / news This year’s summer has had far fewer summer days than usual. But Linda Flem, daily manager of DNT Sunnmøre, says the weather is not always as bad as reported. – I think a lot of people check Yr.no and then they don’t go on a trip. Flem believes that many people will be influenced when they check the weather forecast and therefore decide to stay at home. She believes it is one of the reasons why they have had fewer visitors this summer, and comes with a clear appeal. – I would recommend people to get dressed and go out. Feel free to plan a trip according to the conditions, says the DNT leader. – It doesn’t always turn out as reported Ingvild Thynes Villa at the Meteorological Institute explains that the winter months are characterized by strong low pressure that comes in from the southwest. Their models are quite good at these low-pressure systems, which means that they can warn a long time in advance, and that there is little uncertainty. – In the summer, it is more difficult for our model to predict urban activity and low cloud cover. In one place we can hit the forecast, but then someone lives on the other side of the valley where the town doesn’t hit and they get good weather, she says. – We miss from time to time, absolutely. The meteorologist still does not think that they are too careful when they come up with the weather forecasts. – We want to report the correct weather as much as possible and to provide good information, both about what is uncertain and what is certain. That is what we work with and for every single day. Reindalsseter tourist cabin is 710 meters above sea level and is the Ålesund-Sunnmøre Tourist Association’s most visited cabin. Photo: Øyvind Berge Sæbjørnsen / news Hoping for more visitors At the Reindalsseter tourist cabin, the Dickie Norbakk family has taken a breather. They have been on tour for eight days and have experienced everything from snow to sun. They still believe that the weather should not be an obstacle to setting out on a trip. Cato Nordbakk and Livia Dickie say it is important to be prepared for all kinds of weather when going on a trip in the summer. Photo: Øyvind Berge Sæbjørnsen / news – In Norway you have to plan for all kinds of weather, even in summer. But you just have to drive on, be prepared for the worst and hope for the best, says Livia Dickie. DNT manager Linda Flem says that they do not have the exact visitor figures until the end of the season, but that they notice that there are fewer people at their cabins this year. – There have been people in the mountains, but we could think of more. There is plenty of space in the cabins, she says. Ole Andreas Mikkelsen and Linda Flem hope for more visitors to DNT’s cabins during the summer. Photo: Øyvind Berge Sæbjørnsen / news
