I messed it up – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– I had a bad evening. And the fact is, yes, I messed it up. I made a mistake, says Biden in an interview with radio host Earl Ingram, which will be broadcast Thursday morning, writes CNN. The debate between Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump took place on the night of Friday last week. Biden is asking voters to look past the much talked about debate, which lasted 90 minutes, and rather evaluate him based on what he has achieved in recent years. – It was 90 minutes on stage. Rather, look at what I have achieved in the last 3.5 years, says Biden. The radio host, Ingram, who appeared in an interview with CNN, says that Biden showed no signs that he was ready to “throw in the towel”. The White House clarified on Wednesday that the president is absolutely not considering withdrawing as a presidential candidate. Important donor asks Biden to step down – Biden has to step aside and let a strong, democratic leader beat Trump and keep us safe and sound, writes Reed Hastings in an email to the New York Times. Reed Hastings is the founder of Netflix, and has become one of the Democrats’ most important financial supporters. Reed Hastings asks Biden to step aside. Photo: Christophe ARCHAMBAULT / AFP In recent years, he and his wife Patty Quillin have given support worth around NOK 210 million, a megadonor. The New York Times writes that with his call, Hastings “became one of the first to say publicly what many Democratic mega-donors say privately.” Supporting Biden On the night of Thursday Norwegian time, President Joe Biden met with several Democratic governors to discuss the disastrous TV debate against Donald Trump. – We stand behind and support Biden. The president is our candidate, and our party leader, says Maryland Governor Wes Moore after the emergency meeting. He describes the meeting as a great and honest meeting with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. – It was honest. We came in and we were honest about the feedback we’ve gotten and the concerns we’re hearing from people,” Moore said. Over 20 governors attended the meeting. New York Governor Kathy Hochul and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz listen as Maryland Governor Wes Moore speaks to reporters after meeting with US President Joe Biden at the White House in Washington, DC, July 3, 2024 Photo: Jim Watson / AFP/NTB Published 04/07/2024, at 05.29 Updated 04.07.2024, at 07.28
