– I live more deeply than I ever have – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Stand-up comedian, writer and playwright Shabana Rehman walks barefoot in the grass. – I wanted to get a feel for the land. It is so nice. Why haven’t I done more of this in my life? news meets her on the farm in Aurskog-Høland, where she lives with her partner Petter Simonsen. The disease has taken a toll on her body, she is faster than we are used to seeing her and she needs help to get enough nutrition. – I have accepted the situation and the seriousness of it. Photo: Ellen Omland/news In April, it became known that Rehman had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer with spread, and that she did not have long to live. – It may sound unbelievable, but in many ways it is also a nice journey, because I experience living in a far deeper way than I have ever been close to before, says Rehman. – It is hard to realize that when you have almost received a death sentence. But we can all be affected by illness and it is not just me who will travel on, we will all travel on one day. That’s why I think it’s kind of funny when everyone gets so startled. “Oh, God, are you going to die?” – We are all going to die, smiles Rehman. – In many ways, living has become better, says Shabana Rehman. Photo: Ellen Omland/news Brave voice: Awarded Rehman is currently being treated for the disease in Germany. She and her partner have a cautious hope. – People with the diagnosis are told that there is nothing more the doctors can do. I have seen many give up. I don’t think they deserve it. It is a deep, human thing to have hope. A human right, indeed. And I have hope. I can’t run from that. It is there. And that is why I have decided to be open about the disease, she says. The interview should not last long, because it eats away at the forces. It is only a day since she learned that she has been awarded Norsk PEN’s Ossietzky Prize 2022 for her exercise of freedom of expression in a “creative and sensational way” over several decades. – There have also been some beautiful experiences. I have become much more sensual. In many ways, life has become better. I know no fear or dread of death. I have cried my tears, I have felt a sadness, not least on behalf of my relatives. Really, she says. Photo: Ellen Omland/news – Shabana Rehman has been a courageous voice in Norway against religious oppression and a culture of honor for almost a generation and has paved the way for greater openness about difficult issues over the past 25 years, says Norsk PEN’s press release. This year’s prize will be awarded on 15 November at Litteraturhuset in Oslo. – This particular award means something special. Because it is connected to something I have been involved in all my life. It is being able to use the word freely, says Rehman. Found love – How important is it to you to have something to look forward to? – It is actually very crucial. Something I discovered when I got the message from the doctors was that the future, visions of the future disappeared. Calendars suddenly didn’t mean anything anymore and it dawned on me how driven we are to plan the future. Rehman says that she worked to get back images of the future. And that her boyfriend, whom she met when she was ill, gave her hope for the future again. – Love gave me this back after I met Petter. Then little by little it started to appear again. Right after I got the diagnosis, I couldn’t plan weeks ahead, she says. – It has been a very tough process. I have felt a lot of pain that I didn’t know I was going through, the pain attacks have been very tough. Photo: Ellen Omland/news “Controversial” Rehman started as a columnist in VG in 1996 and debuted as a stand-up comedian three years later. She was a columnist in Dagbladet for seven years from 2000, later in Aftenposten and Nettavisen. Rehman made a name for herself when she appeared in Dagbladet in 2000, wearing only body paint with the Norwegian flag. In 2004, it caused a stir when she lifted Mullah Krekar during an event in Oslo. ARCHIVE VIDEO FROM 2004: Here Rehman Mulla lifts Krekar up. The Ossietzky Prize is awarded annually to a person or institution that over time, or in connection with a particular case or event, has made a special effort for freedom of expression. Shabana Rehman has provoked many in the Pakistani community, but also outside. – I do not see the journey I have had in public as particularly provocative. It has been unconventional. I have had my creative whims and I have protected and defended what I have believed in. And has been completely dependent on freedom of expression to be able to do that, says Rehman. – If you were to highlight one thing you have done, which has been particularly significant, what would it be? – I think the most important thing for me, the one thing, is to stand in it. Whatever it has been. As long as one has followed a conscience. – Is there anything you regret? – You know what, it’s not. It may well be that something could have been done differently, but then it would not have been my unique journey. I see everything as an experience, experiences you don’t regret. Experiences become part of the person you become, what you have learned, and how you handle things. Rehman says she is looking forward to the awards in November. – There will be another picture of the future to look forward to, she smiles, and adds: – You must try walking barefoot, because it is so lovely. Just do it! Photo: Vegard Lien/news
