– I hate to walk out the door without – NRK Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– The world is changing, and then men must also change, says Siem Woldu Araya. He picks up several rings from his pocket and puts them on. He thinks it’s both nice and cool. Araya is not alone. For something has happened when it comes to men’s relationship to jewelry. In a few years, a trend has emerged. Christoffer Espinoza Garrido has taken the trip to a goldsmith in Kristiansand. There he stands and looks carefully at the products that are displayed in glass mounts. – It is in a way my little “guilty pleasure”, he says. Now he is looking for new gold earrings. For him, rings and jewelry have become a way of expressing themselves. A way to stand out in the crowd. The stylistic dot over the in-one. Christoffer Espinoza Garrido is testing a possible new purchase at the jeweler. Without rings and jewelry, he feels a little boring and A4. Photo: Victoria Marie Nordahl / NRK International style icons – I think a lot of people are starting to open their eyes to what accessories such as jewelery can do with an outfit, and perhaps not least a style, says Elise Alexandra Gulbrandsen. She is a fashion expert and VG journalist, and has noticed that jewelry and rings have become part of the everyday look of more and more men. Gulbrandsen believes that many people have gained a sense of the personal touch that jewelry gives. She also believes that international style icons have helped to give the man in the street a new perspective on jewelery as an accessory. – Trendsetters like Harry Styles have helped to show that jewelry for men is no longer reserved for cufflinks and tie pins. With his experimental style, Harry Styles has in recent years become both a fashion favorite and a style icon for fans all over the world. Photo: Screenshot / Instagram Photo: Screenshot / Instagram Photo: Screenshot / Instagram The interest in bling has increased considerably is also noticeable in the country’s largest goldsmith chains. During the last three years, sales of jewelery and rings for men have doubled in our stores and online shopping, says marketing manager Vibeke Holann in Bjørklund to NRK. The chain Gullfunn confirms the progress. – The guys clearly have a greater interest in decorating themselves than before, and we see that the jewelry is to a greater extent part of the everyday outfit, says product manager Nina Wassum. The interest is greatest among young men. – The standard ring size for boys is actually smaller now, because the young boys are a large customer group, she adds. Several Norwegian celebrities have thrown themselves into the trend. Among them music artist Adrian Sellevoll. Photo: Screenshot: Instagram Artist Chris Holsten often spices up the style with rings or jewelry. Photo: Screenshot: Instagram Reality participant and host Pierre Louis does the same. Photo: Screenshot: Instagram Erlend Elias Bragstad combines everything from earrings to jewelry, rings and watches as accessories. Photo: Screenshot: Instagram The artist Ruben, pictured here with a selection of jewelery around his neck. Photo: Screenshot: Instagram / @gurosommer – The world is changing Influences Embret Henock Haldammen believes that American rappers and celebrities have helped to make jewelery popular among men. When he started wearing jewelry in sixth grade in elementary school, rapper Snoop Dogg was the big inspiration. The 23-year-old from Kristiansand wears jewelery and calls every single day. – I hate to go out the door without. Then it often happens that I turn around, he says. Embret Haldammen uses jewelery to stand out, and to add something extra to her style. Without bling, he feels naked. Photo: Sondre Maurstad / Maurstadmedia He draws inspiration from Snoop Dogg and other American rappers and celebrities. Haldammen says that most people in his circle of friends use jewelery, rings and watches to spice up the style. And where he used to experience negative comments because of his jewelry, he now gets positive feedback and questions about where he bought them. – It is something that is becoming more and more widespread and socially accepted. Siem Woldu Araya from Kristiansand thinks it is good that jewelery and rings have become more popular among men. Photo: Victoria Marie Nordahl / NRK Hot or not? But what do ladies think, then, that men have embraced the jewelry trend? – It does something with the style. Looks a little extra, says Benedicte Greig. – I think it’s very nice. But not everyone fits in, says Tomine Hananger. The two girlfriends are still in no doubt whether men are prettiest with or without bling: Has come to stay Back at the goldsmith in Kristiansand, Christoffer Espinoza Garrido is still looking for earrings. In addition, he has found himself some rings that it is tempting to buy. At home, Garrido has at least 20 rings lying around. He estimates that he has spent well over 20,000 kroner on the jewelry range. But there is always room for more: He prefers to go with several rings at a time, and he likes to stack some of them on top of each other. Garrido also believes that jewelry and rings as accessories for men are only becoming more and more accepted. Still, he thinks the style can still be experienced a little more unfamiliar to the older guard. He himself experienced this once he came home with a pearl necklace around his neck. – Mom and they are not very used to it, but I think it is very nice. I have friends who also use it, so it becomes a little more accepted among us, he says with a smile. Photo: Victoria Marie Nordahl / NRK Fashion expert Elise Alexandra Gulbrandsen believes the trend has come to stay. – I think we are ready to dress up a little after two years of pandemic, and that we will be quite a long time, she says, and adds: – And I think that jewelry will be a natural part of how we want decorate us in the time to come. Have you noticed that the fashion for men has changed? Yes No Do not know Show result
