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3.27.95 in Bislett, 3.28.72 in Lausanne and 3.27.14 in Chorzów (Silesia). It has gone away with Jakob Ingebrigtsen in the favorite exercise 1500 meters this summer. In all three races there has been an avalanche of personal records for a number of the other runners, and for Ingebrigtsen the race at Bislett and Chorzów has led to him lowering his European record by over one second since the start of the season. But: – I can’t wait to get to the WC, where there are no hares. As much as I love this (Ingebrigtsen’s fast run), I hate that there are hares in the Diamond League. It should just be a competition, says the former American middle distance runner Mac Fleet. EUROPEAN RECORD: On Sunday, Jakob Ingebrigtsen set the year’s best in the world and a European record. Photo: AFP He now works for Citius Mag, a media house that follows athletics closely. It is in a summary after the vote in Chorzów that he comes up with the statement. Fleet is clear that he “loves” to see Jakob compete, but still calls for change. – Running is so much more interesting when there are no hares. Get rid of the hare of light. Let Monaco and another vote be the vote for record times. Everything else should just be competitions. I know I sound like an old man speaking to deaf ears. I am excited to see this field again in Budapest without hares, where they have to solve it themselves, he says further, referring to the WC in Budapest next month. Ingebrigtsen: – Likes to run fast If we take away the opening rounds, Ingebrigtsen has won the last 14 races he has run. The first “defeat” came when he came second in the 1,500 meters at the World Championships last year, narrowly beaten by Britain’s Jake Wightman. It was precisely a race without hares, as there are no hares in championships. Ingebrigtsen has nevertheless taken five championship golds after the silver in the 1,500 metres, in EC gold outdoors at 1,500 and 5,000 metres, EC gold in cross-country running and EC gold indoors at 1,500 and 3,000 metres. After the record race on Sunday, he was still asked by Letsrun.com if he has asked the Diamond League organizers not to have a hare, so that Ingebrigtsen could practice it before the WC. Then Ingebrigtsen quickly replied: – Who has asked that question? I’m definitely up (up) in every single race. When the hare gives up, I am the hare. So every race is training. I like to run fast and I like to win, so of course I have to place myself at the front. But I always keep up the pace. Just look at the race, I’m the third fastest. Today (Sunday) I was fourth fastest, but unfortunately there was no one behind me. I like to run fast, but also to win. There is no difference between doing this in the Diamond League and in a WC. – In terms of results, a trifle news’s ​​athletics expert Vebjørn Rodal points out that there have been hares in athletics since ancient times. Lyshare is relatively new, but he believes that it gives athletics an element of entertainment, and is progress in an otherwise conservative sport. – When it comes to the light hare, if it is an advantage, then there is a much greater advantage with the carbon shoes that have arrived in recent years. It is probably a bigger advantage than the light hare itself. From that point of view, it is a trifle in terms of results, he says. – AN ELEMENT OF ENTERTAINMENT: news’s ​​athletics expert believes the light hare has added an element of entertainment to athletics. Photo: Bent Lindsetmo / news Before the season, Jakob Ingebrigtsen had his personal record and Norwegian record from the Olympic final in Tokyo. There were neither hares nor light hares, points out Rodal. – Then he did it excellently, in a race where Timothy Cheruiyot rightly pulled quite hard from the start, but where he took over and did the whole race at the end. You get some help to keep up the speed of a hare. You get a little help on the days there is wind on the parts of the track where there is wind. But otherwise you have to run yourself. It is definitely not about any mechanical or electronic assistance. – Jakob is good because he is the best trained and the best prepared. He is not a unique talent. He is just better trained than those he competes against, Rodal maintains. IN LONELY MAJESTY: Jakob Ingebrigtsen has been unbeatable this season. Photo: AFP – Mac Fleet says he hates that there are hares in the Diamond League? – If he hates it, he must have been left to watch. Then he has to look at the global championships. For the Americans, this is the WC and the Olympics. Then he gets to watch athletics when there are WC and Olympics. He also gets to go jogging on the evenings when it is Diamond League. Former rival believes in an imminent world record The race on Sunday was Ingebrigtsen’s last before the WC, where he comes as the clear favorite in the 1500 meters and reigning world champion in the 5000 meters. Earlier this year, Ingebrigtsen also scored the best in the world on the somewhat non-traditional training two English miles (3219 metres). This means that Ingebrigtsen’s former rival, Polish Marcin Lewandowski, believes in great things from the 22-year-old from Sandnes. – I keep my fingers crossed for this boy. But I’m still waiting for more. I’m waiting for the world record, and I’m sure it will come soon, he says to news. With 3.27.14, Ingebrigtsen is still well over a second behind the legendary world record of 3.26.00 for Hicham El Guerrouj in the 1500 metres, a record that has stood for 25 years. – Do you think he is capable of breaking El Guerrouj’s record? – I assumed so. Then (Sunday) the conditions were not brilliant. It is very hot and the humidity is “crazy”. I think he is ready for it in perfect conditions. What is more important is his head. He is ready for it, which is the most important thing. I’m waiting for the right blink of an eye and I’m sure it will be soon, he says, and concludes: – He already has the indoor world record for 1500 meters and the record for two miles. It is only a matter of time before he breaks the record for 1,500 metres, Lewandowski believes.
