– I had a bad feeling – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– Bård was an annoying bastard, who made a stone jump. In Vestfold District Court, his older brother Glenn told about the life he and Bård Lanes have lived. And what the brother was like as a person. Four men have been charged after the murder of Bård Lanes in April 2021. Bård came out of life crookedly and never entered a straight path either. Child protection, institutions, changing schools, drugs and fighting characterized adolescence and life in general. Violence and alcohol in the home he grew up in shaped him, the older brother believes. He says Bård could often change personality overnight. Conflicts with others were never far away. – Either you loved him very much, or you disliked him. Bård was the type who fires up under. He never saw himself, Glenn explained. A former teacher of the brothers also testified and told how she experienced them. – There are certain students I have been in contact with throughout my life. These are two of them. I think there have been two nice and honest boys, even if they have had their things. There is something good in everyone, she said. Admits having shot Bård Lanes: – I want to say sorry to the relatives Glenn saw it coming Before Easter, a 27-year-old admitted that he shot Lanes outside a tanning salon in Tønsberg, but that he was only going to touch his legs. According to the police, he was given the assignment by a 31-year-old man who had been in a recurring conflict with Lanes for around ten years. Man (27) The prosecution believes that the man from Sunnmøre, at the behest of one of the other defendants, fired the shots at Lanes. According to the indictment, the murder had been planned for a long time. The man, who has previously been convicted of desecration of a corpse, admits to having shot Lanes. The public prosecutor has warned that it may be appropriate to ask for a custodial sentence for the 27-year-old. Man (31) The prosecution believes this is the man who ordered the murder. According to the indictment, 31- the year-old also helped to plan. Previously convicted for, among other things, the storage of illegal weapons. Refuses to be guilty of murder. Man (33) The prosecution believes the man was the driver on the night of the murder. Owned the car that was found burnt out on Sem shortly after the murder. Refuses to be guilty of murder. Man (23) Brazilian citizen. The prosecution believes the man was involved in planning and preparing the murder. Denies criminal liability for complicity in murder. Ten minutes after Bård Lanes was shot, the brother was woken by the police standing at the door. – Bård is badly injured, they said. The first thought that strikes me is that it is the 31-year-old who has done it. Glenn had argued with his brother and had no contact with him for many months before the murder. He still had a feeling that something was going on. – I had a bad feeling that something was going to happen. Glenn had long been concerned that Bård was an informant for the police and that the list of enemies was getting long. Nevertheless, he says it is difficult to understand how the conflicts surrounding Bård could end in murder. – I don’t understand the scheme here and I don’t understand what has happened here, he summed up. In a video that has now been released by the police, Bård Lanes can be seen leaving the tanning salon just before he was killed. Denies that he should be killed The conflict between Bård Lanes and the 31-year-old had not been a topic of conversation in the last two years before the murder, according to the brother. – The last five years of his life he was a bit of a lone wolf. Didn’t need a gang around him to feel protected. Escalating conflicts in different areas were the reason why Lanes was to be killed, the police believe. Before Easter, the 31-year-old explained about episodes that made the two often afraid of each other, according to the 31-year-old. His girlfriend was also afraid of Lanes, he claims. This was the conflict between Lanes and the accused murderer. The year before he was killed, Lanes submitted a report against the 31-year-old. There he wrote that he believed he had a weapon and that he could get others to shoot him. – I don’t know what has gone through Bård’s mind. I have never shot at anyone or pointed a weapon at anyone, said the 31-year-old accused of murder in court before Easter. Just over a month before the murder, the 31-year-old sent a long message to Lanes in the hope of ending the conflict. . The murder of Bård Lanes (33) in Tønsberg At around 10.15pm the police received a report that a man had been shot in a shopping area just outside the center of Tønsberg. The victim is 33-year-old Bård Lanes, who had been to a tanning studio with his girlfriend. Surveillance footage shows Lanes leaving the premises. On the outside, he is startled and takes off running. He calls the police himself and says that he has been shot, but dies of his injuries shortly after the incident. A few hours after Lanes is shot, the police receive a report of a car fire in a residential area at Sem outside Tønsberg. Three men are arrested in connection with the fire. The police initially say that the shooting and the car fire are being investigated as two separate cases. Photo: Ole Berg-rusten / NTB One of the men who was arrested in connection with the car fire is charged with complicity in murder. The other two are released. The police publish surveillance images from the night of the murder and are looking for a suspected perpetrator. Photo: The police The police arrest the man who was wanted with surveillance images from Kilen. He is charged with murder or complicity in murder at Bård Lanes. The arrest takes place in Drammen. A third man is arrested, charged with complicity in murder. He was also arrested in connection with the car fire, but then released. In a press release, the police write that there must have been a conflict between Bård Lanes and one or more of the accused. The police also state that a tracking device was found on the deceased’s car after the murder. They believe that Lanes was monitored for several days before he was shot. A fourth man is being held in custody. This man was also initially arrested in connection with the car fire, but then released. All three who were arrested after the fire are now charged with having had something to do with the murder. The state prosecutor is bringing charges against a total of four men who have been charged and remanded in custody in connection with the murder of Bård Lanes. The case is heard by the Vestfold District Court from 21 March. Show more
