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It is three years since Anders Mol and Christian Sørum won a historic Olympic gold in beach volleyball in Tokyo. Down in the hot sand in front of an empty grandstand, there were wild scenes of jubilation together with the coaches Kåre Mol and Jetmund Berntsen. It then qualified for the EC in Vienna, Austria. There were also golden jubilations for Norway, but behind the scenes a hitherto quite unknown drama unfolded. SPECTACULAR: The reigning Olympic champions play their matches right in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Photo: BILDBYRÅN – I think that right after the Olympics I should be the happiest in the world and relax a bit, but then I took part in the EC and then I was just awful. I was so tired, so everything irritated me, says Kåre Mol. – Click on Anders He describes the start of the championship as incredibly demanding, and that all parties struggled to mobilize again after the Olympic gold. The irritation Mol felt extended to both judges, officials and the athletes. – I clicked on Anders when he did something in the EC there. And then he clicked back again. And then he said: “Dad, now you have to take a break.” But thats how it is. Sometimes the stress level is a bit high, and we often notice that after the tournaments when we have been in a high stress level. Even if you’re supposed to be happy, you’re so stressed, says the 64-year-old. TRIO: Kåre Mol together with the beach volleyball duo Mol and Sørum in Oslo in June. Photo: Jan Langhaug / NTB – You were simply fired by your son? – I got fired then, yes. And for the rest of the tournament I fired myself as well. Then I sat in the hotel room and watched them play. I took part in the warm-ups and had a little tactical talk, then I went up to the hotel room, so I didn’t feel the stress down on the pitch, and the music and everything that was next to it, answers the coach’s father. The beach volleyball duo confirms that Kåre Mol was “edgy” – on tiptoe – during the championship, and Anders Mol says that he had had his “dose of Kåre Mol at that time”. – I had injured my thumb a little and couldn’t hit properly in a match there, and got a few jabs from the side there. I yelled out “shut up” so that was the final straw. He suspended himself too, and it worked well. We took EC gold, recalls Anders Mol. MEDAL HOPE: Anders Mol and Christian Sørum during training in Paris on Wednesday. Photo: Henrik Myhr Nielsen / news Robust relationship They quickly became friends again, a few weeks of relaxation was all that was needed, but in March of the following year it became known that the coach was to step down. He told TV 2 that he was burnt out. Jetmund Berntsen was to be the coach, and instead Mol was to be there as a kind of mentor for the duo. JUBILEE: Anders Mol, Christian Sørum and coaches Kåre Mol and Jetmund Berntsen (tv) celebrate the gold medal in Tokyo. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB But both before the Olympics and in place during Paris, on the track directly below the Eiffel Tower, Mol is very active in training. What has really happened since 2022? – I strongly supported him in stepping down, but he never really gave up. After all, he said himself that he was going to give up, and was very clear that he was bored, he wanted something new. But then he has had a hand in the game the whole time, says Anders Mol. The coach is probably still a little less involved than before, and cooperates well with Berntsen on the coaching duties. – You always break up. In a way, it’s also a strength you have in the team, that you can have such outbursts, and that’s fine. I think that is one of the strengths we have had all along, that we are honest. From time to time, discussions and things like that come up, and then you have to deal with it afterwards, says Anders Mol. – We looked at it very humorously afterwards. That I sat in the hotel room and watched them play and got away. We have a robust relationship, so we can endure a bit, confirms coach Mol. – Bothering us in training The duo of athletes are still very clear that Kåre Mol is helping to make Norway better. – He still pushes us a lot, and bothers us in training. It is very important that he has this role. He is an incredibly knowledgeable guy and knows very well what needs to be done, and is good at setting the framework for us. So we are very happy that he is still with us, says Anders Mol. SPREK: – I have the best job in the world. When I can’t play myself, the next best thing you can do is be a coach. And I love being part of it, says Kåre Mol. Photo: Hanne Skjellum / news – I think it will take a bit for him to pull out completely, and I think it’s important for us and the rest of the team that he’s on board, says Christian Sørum. At least there is nothing to say about the coach’s motivation before this championship. This time he promises to stay ringside and not in a hotel room when the duo play. For now, he’s just looking forward. – Then we’ll see how it will be after the Olympics, whether I have positive energy to contribute or what will happen then, says Kåre Mol with a smile. Anders Mol and Christian Sørum play their first Olympic match against Chile on Sunday at 21:00. You can listen to it live on news Sport. IVRIG: Most things look good for Norway before the first Olympic match. Here, Kåre Mol closely follows the training. Photo: BILDBYRÅN Published 24.07.2024, at 21.23
