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– This debate will undoubtedly sway a number of voters. Unbelievably, there are a number who still haven’t made up their minds, and these need to know that they are making the right choice. That’s what a positive Gavis Newsom concluded to news ahead of tonight’s presidential debate. He is governor of California, and designated as a possible successor by the Democrats in 2028. Newsom is also an important supporter of Joe Biden. After the end of the debate, he was more tight-lipped: – We look forward. SUPPORTS BIDEN: Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, was tight-lipped after the night’s debate. Photo: AFP The night’s duel between Joe Biden and Donald Trump has caused reactions. The experts are not gracious in their judgment: Biden is an old man who messes with words, numbers and facts. And although Trump makes many unsubstantiated claims, there is little doubt who was the winner of the night. – Not about style Several commentators in American newspapers believe that Biden’s performance was so bad that he should resign. “I hope he looks over his debate performance on Thursday night and withdraws from the race,” writes The New York Times columnist Nichoklas Kristof. Photo: ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP Newsom believes that such talk is useless and unnecessary. To MSNBC, he defends Biden: – You don’t turn your back because of a single appearance. What kind of party did that? In Atlanta, journalists flocked around Biden’s supporters after the debate, writes Politico. When asked if Newsom is willing to run as a replacement for Biden, he replies that he is very proud of his president. – From my humble perspective, this is not about style. It’s about delivering results for the American people. Boasting of Trump In the other camp, the Republicans are celebrating. Byron Donalds has previously been mentioned as a possible vice presidential candidate for Donald Trump. To news, Donalds says that he thinks it was a good evening for Trump. – He was calm, collected and talked about the issues in our country. About Biden, Donalds says he will let the people speak for themselves. – But as an American, Republican and African American – this did not look good for Biden. I am worried. Florida Congressman Byron Donalds. Photo: AFP The Republican Ben Carson, who was secretary of state for housing and urban development during the Trump administration, is also clear in his speech: – As an American citizen, it was a bit embarrassing that the rest of the world sees the leader of your country babbling like this, he says to news. Carson believes that the night’s presidential debate was important, even though the election is still a long time away. – People need to hear from both sides. Many relate to news media that conform to their ideology, but here you get it straight from the source. – What about all the allegations of lies? – The good thing is that you can fact-check these things. I hope responsible media do this and show who is actually lying. The American news channel CNN has done just this. Several of Trump’s claims from the debate are dismissed as false. Among other things, he said that the Democrats “will kill children in the eighth and ninth months of pregnancy, or even birth”. Trump also said that Biden will quadruple today’s taxes. CNN’s fact checkers write that both statements are not true. Published 28.06.2024, at 09.07 Updated 28.06.2024, at 09.24
