– I am very skeptical – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

Because during the Holmenkollen Skishow, both women and men do a 15 kilometer interval start. It is just a taste of what winter has to offer after the decision that was taken during the congress of the International Ski Federation (FIS) in spring. Former head of the cross-country skiing committee in FIS, Vegard Ulvang, was among those who were a champion for women and men to go the same distances. Now it will be introduced for the coming season. Previously, for example, the women walked 10 kilometers and 30 kilometers while the men walked 15 kilometers and 50 kilometers. That’s the end of it. Johaug: Doesn’t fit in The Winter Olympic queen is strongly critical of the decision, which leads to some longer distances for the women. – I must personally say that I am very skeptical of the new scheme that FIS has set up. That girls and boys should go the same distance. I feel that for years I have heard that I have ruined the sport with the fact that the time difference has been large and that I have won by too much. That cross-country skiing is not popular in Europe because many are far behind and are unable to build new girls’ environments, says Johaug to news. SKEPTICAL: Therese Johaug attended the seminar “Ski Leaders of Tomorrow” where she spent an hour on stage with the moderator. Photo: Fredrik Tombra / news Then she had attended a seminar on the future of skiing under the auspices of the Norwegian Ski Association and Equinor. There, she was asked, among other things, questions about failing recruitment in Poland and steps that can be taken to reduce the dropout rate. Johaug believes equal distances are a step in the wrong direction. – At least I don’t think it fits the sport into the future, at least not when you actually see that cross-country skiing has a negative trend in viewership. Too little action She also brought up the topic during the seminar in front of a number of international coaches and managers from 23 nations. The skiing queen thinks that it can frighten young athletes to be beaten by an even greater margin at even longer distances. – Now the FIS sets up the distance and girls have to walk five miles. The time difference then becomes even greater. How will you manage to leave a popular sport? When the TV viewers are sitting there and “oh my god, yes, but she’s going to win so much and there’s a big gap between second and third place, or fourth and fifth”. THE SUPERIOR: Therese Johaug won the Olympic three-mile with a lead of more than a minute and a half this winter. Now the FIS is increasing the distance. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB – Then you won’t get the action-packed scenes. Although when I’ve walked something, I’ve probably been happy personally because longer distances suit me, says Johaug. Guri Knotten – who took over as Norway’s representative in the FIS cross-country committee after Ulvang – told news that she thought it was time at the end of May. – At the same time, I have great understanding that today’s athletes may have some reservations about changing a programme, says Knotten. A survey showed that a clear majority of the athletes did not welcome the proposal of equal distances, but Knotten claimed that she had gotten a different impression from talking to the athletes. – I don’t know if it is correct to say that the active ones are fighting against the proposal. Most of the people I talk to think equal distances are completely appropriate. And there are many who welcome the 500, and have said so. It is a good and important decision. Lack of participation During the roller skiing race in the Holmenkollen Skishow, only 19 runners are registered in the senior class for women compared to 51 in the men’s class. Only three women from the national team are on the starting line. Dropouts from the women’s national team during the summer competitions have also received criticism from several quarters this summer. The women’s national team on roller skiing Blink festival: Registered (5): Ragnhild Haga, Heidi Weng, Marte Skaanes, Tiril Udnes Weng and Lotta Udnes Weng (sick). Not registered (6): Anne Kjersti Kalvå, Ane Appelkvist Stenseth, Anna Svendsen, Julie Myhre, Mathilde Myhrvold and Helene Marie Fossesholm Top sports week: Registered (5): Anne Kjersti Kalvå, Ane Appelkvist Stenseth, Marte Skaanes, Julie Myhre, Lotta Udnes Weng Not registered (6): Anna Svendsen, Ragnhild Haga, Heidi Weng, Tiril Udnes Weng, Mathilde Myhrvold and Helene Marie Fossesholm Holmenkollen Ski Show: Registered (3): Heidi Weng, Tiril Udnes Weng, Lotta Udnes Weng Not registered (8): Anna Svendsen, Anne Kjersti Kalvå, Ane Appelkvist Stenseth, Julie Myhre, Mathilde Myhrvold, Ragnhild Haga, Marte Skaanes and Helene Marie Fossesholm TV 2 experts Petter Northug and Petter Skinstad came out hard in VG against participation during the Blink Festival earlier this summer. – First of all, it’s a shame that more people don’t apply. I just have to say that. Half the team lives in Trondheim, so I understand that traveling down to go to a roller ski race costs quite a lot when you are already in a tough training period and there are new meetings waiting, says Johaug and adds: – But at the same time, it is give back and show up to give back in the competitions that actually are, and create action-packed TV scenes like that. – Why is it so important that you attend this type of event. – It is very important to maintain interest in cross-country skiing, and perhaps especially now that Norway is doing so well in so many other sports. It is actually important that athletes show up and contribute to the sport being popular in the summer, says Johaug, who was a regular fixture at Blinkfestivalen and in Holmenkollen during the years he was active. PS! You can watch the Holmenkollen Skishow on news 2 from 17.00 and news 1 from 17.30, Saturday 17 September.
