– I almost fell asleep – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– It is not an excuse, but an explanation, says Biden. The president blames extensive international travel in the days leading up to the lack of foresight in the debate against ex-president Donald Trump last week. He was in Europe twice in two weeks in June, and returned home from his last trip two weeks before the debate on the night of Friday last week. The 81-year-old president added that he was “not very smart” who traveled around the world a couple of times shortly before the debate. – I didn’t listen to my colleagues. I almost fell asleep on stage, says Biden. Many democratic politicians have been concerned after Biden’s poor foresight in the first debate against Trump last week. In the last 24 hours, the concerns of the Democratic Party have come out in the open: While Trump is to blame for lying through large parts of the debate, Biden was incoherent and lost the thread several times. After the debate, several major media have questioned Biden’s age and ability to beat Trump in the upcoming presidential election. Voters have little confidence in Biden’s cognitive ability to govern the United States for another term. Photo: AP Voters were also intimidated by Biden’s foresight, according to a survey conducted by YouGov for CBS News. 72 percent of registered voters believe that Biden does not have the mental and cognitive health needed to be president. Before the debate, 65 percent thought the same. 49 percent of voters said the same about Donald Trump. Particularly ominous for the Biden campaign is that 45 percent of registered Democrats who responded to the poll said they think Biden should step down in favor of another candidate. Call on Biden to resign On Tuesday, Democrat Lloyd Doggett, who sits in the House of Representatives for Texas, called on Joe Biden to resign as a presidential candidate. – In contrast to Trump, Biden’s first priority has always been our country. With respect, I ask him to resign, says Doggett in a statement. He added that neither Biden nor Trump is capable of running the United States. Doggett, who is himself 77 years old, is the first to publicly ask Biden to step down. Gets support from the vice-president Former Congress leader Nancy Pelosi, also from the Democratic Party, said that she thinks both Trump and Biden should have their cognitive abilities checked. – I think it is legitimate to question whether this is just an episode or a condition, she said, adding that the same question applies to Trump after he lied repeatedly during the debate. Vice President Kamala Harris denies that Biden should resign. Photo: Ronda Churchill / AP Biden himself insists that he is the right man for the job. US Vice President Kamala Harris has said that Biden got off to a bad start in the debate, but that she is proud to be his co-candidate. She rejects that Biden should resign. – Joe Biden is our nominee. We have beaten Trump once, and we want to beat him again, says Harris to CBS News. Published 03.07.2024, at 05.29 Updated 03.07.2024, at 06.22
