Hydro-add got liquid metal at 950 degrees heat on the face

The operator is said to have been splashed from a cell with liquid metal, which measures 950 degrees Celsius. – He had all the protective equipment, which saved the situation very well. But he suffered burns to his neck, the lower part of his face and above his ear. As well as two minor burns on the left arm, says factory manager at Hydro Aluminum in Sunndal, Roar Ørsund. Ørsund says that the injured person will be fine according to the situation, from what he has learned. Roar Ørsund is factory manager at Hydro Aluminum in Sunndal. Photo: PER-IVAR KVALSVIK Will investigate the case During his five years as chief, he has not experienced a similar situation. – We take this very seriously. We brief the employees, then we set up a commission of inquiry to look at why this happened, says Ørsund. It was the local newspaper Driva that first mentioned the case. – This is a very serious injury, and a type of injury that we work mostly to avoid. We have seven critical operations, including work with liquid metal. There are thorough routines to avoid accidents, but there is never a guarantee that such situations will not occur, says Ørsund. The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority has been notified. On Sunndalsøra in Møre og Romsdal is one of seven Norwegian aluminum works. Photo: Eirik Haukenes / news Many injuries in the past year Head Office Manager Egil Hordnes says there is an oppressive atmosphere at the factory now after the incident, but that they are all aware that such accidents can happen. – It is tragic that it has happened, but it is absolutely right for Hydro to investigate it. We have had an unfortunate year so far with many injuries, says chief safety officer at the factory, Egil Hordnes. According to the factory manager, in the past year Hydro Sunndal has registered around 20 incidents where employees have needed first aid or medical help. Three weeks ago, a vehicle inside one of the halls started to burn heavily after being hit by metal spatter. Six people were monitored by health personnel after being exposed to smoke, and those workers had to have help from the fire service to extinguish the fire. – This is a situation that we are absolutely not satisfied with, and we work every single day to achieve our vision of zero injuries. Then we have to work extra hard to ensure that everyday life at the factory is safe for our employees and employees, says Ørsund.
