Hunter died after crossing a river with a cable car – now the case has been investigated – news Vestland

The police believe that no one can be held responsible for the fatal accident that occurred on Saturday 9 September. Henning Sundet (65) from Ålesund died when he and the hunting team were to cross the thriving Bødalselva on a kind of cable car. The hunter fell in. He died the next day from his injuries. – A tragic accident The police have now finished investigating the fatal accident. – It stands out as a tragic accident where no one can be held responsible, says police chief Vidar Stavik in Stryn. For over 50 years, hunters and landowners have used the cable car to cross the river, which lies in a side valley of Lodalen. Vidar Stavik in the police says no one can be blamed for the tragic fatal accident. Photo: Arne Stubhaug / news Here you place yourself in a chair which is attached with wire on both sides of the river. – Then a rope is used to pull oneself across the river, explains Stavik. The 65-year-old hunter was in place in this chair, but on his way across the river he fell in. There was a lot of water in the river this Saturday and the current was strong. After a major rescue operation, Sundet was found several hundred meters further down the river. The 65-year-old was taken to Haukeland University Hospital, but his life could not be saved. What caused the man to fall into the river is not entirely clear to the police. – One possibility is that he got his feet on a rock in the river and thus fell in, says Stavik. An autopsy did not provide any medical explanation for the accident. Sundet was a business manager in Møre and Romsdal. He was finance director at Island Offshore and Borgstein in Ulsteinvik, and day-to-day manager at Ulsteinvik Utvikling. In an obituary in Vikebladet, he is described as a caring comrade and as a highly skilled professional. Has stopped the use of the cable car The hunting party that was with the man has been questioned. – The police have focused on the cable car itself and its maintenance, says Stavik. It is not known who set up the cable car, but local hunters and landowners tell news that it has always been maintained over the years. It is not known that there has been an accident with the cable car in the past. Crime technicians from Førde and Bergen have examined the cable car and carried out several tests on it. – They haven’t found any damage or faults on the track, says Stavik. Considering a ban on the cable car The hunting association, local hunters and landowners have taken the accident seriously. They stopped the hunt immediately after the accident happened. The local hunting association in Bødalen has also stopped the use of the track. Now the police prosecutors must decide whether the case will be put aside or whether it will be pursued further. Stavik in the police say they have asked the lawyer to decide whether there should be a ban on the use of the cable car – even if there is nothing wrong with it. – The hunters themselves have stopped the use of the track, so we have not come in with a ban on use, says Vidar Stavik in the police.
