Hunt for the Christmas spirit – this is how you get the Christmas spirit – news Culture and entertainment

Advent is usually filled with snow, candles, gingerbread, Christmas calendars and mulled wine. Everyone can give you the Christmas spirit. But the Christmas spirit does not always come naturally to everyone. According to Nora Østby, senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Stavanger, a lack of Christmas spirit can be caused by stress, pressure or worries. – Christmas atmosphere is a form of nostalgia. I think it can be difficult to find those feelings when you are an adult, she says. Nora Østby is a senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Stavanger. She believes there are many reasons why one does not get into the Christmas spirit Photo: Jørn Steen / University of Stavanger The opposite of Christmas spirit There is a limit to how much research has been done on the Christmas spirit, but Østby says there can be many reasons why someone struggles with to get it. – I think we have a clear expectation of what Christmas should be. Often it is based on what Christmas was like when we were children and we probably put some pressure on imitating it. Everything that needs to be arranged also comes in addition, you have to arrange gifts, decorate and clean, says Østby. – There are many things that can create stress, and it is the opposite of the good feelings we associate with the Christmas spirit. Helped to decorate for December Program host and comedian Live Nelvik also points to the stress that can arise before Christmas. – The worst thing about growing up is that you have to create your own Christmas atmosphere. When you’re a child, you kind of get it for free from parents who decorate and fix things. – That’s why I think more people struggle to get it. There is too much to do, she says. Together with Ronny Brede Aase, she has created the podcast “Christmas atmosphere with Live and Ronny”. Live Nelvik has struggled to find the Christmas spirit. Ronny Brede Aase doesn’t do that. Together they make the podcast “Christmas atmosphere with Live and Ronny”. Photo: Fenomen As an attempt to get into the Christmas spirit Nelvik between other baths. But this year she has done something else that she thinks has worked well. – I dress up a bit for December. It doesn’t look like I’m going to the prom, but I dress up a bit for the surroundings, myself and December. It works a bit for me, she says. Personality can play a role According to Østby, only stress can be an obstacle to getting into the Christmas spirit. She believes that personality traits can also play an important role. – Neurotics, or those who score high on the personality trait known as neuroticism, feel stress to a greater extent. So they may have slightly greater challenges in achieving the Christmas spirit. Furthermore, Østby believes that those who score high on planning appropriateness have an advantage. – They may have their gift lists ready in July, and may have decorated and done the Christmas laundry already before December. Christmas won’t be called in until 5pm on Sunday, so there’s still time to get into the Christmas spirit. Photo: Bente Hjellsand Smell and taste can ensure the Christmas spirit Even though there are now only a few days until Christmas, it is still possible to find the Christmas spirit, says Live. But at the same time, Nelvik warns against chasing her. – If you want it too much, you won’t get it. I think one has to lower one’s shoulders. By removing some of the pressure, I think the chance of getting into the Christmas spirit is much greater, she says. At the same time, it is not just stress that can affect the Christmas mood. Personality traits can also play a role. Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB Lecturer Østby says that it can work well to do things one associates with the Christmas spirit. Our senses, especially smell and taste, are central to nostalgia and memory, she says. – Smelling, but also tasting Christmas, I think can be quite good advice for getting into the Christmas spirit. – For me, it’s things like watching Christmas films, eating gingerbread and drinking mulled wine.
