How to stay healthy this Christmas – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) has come up with an update regarding the disease picture in Norway. They report that the number of admissions continues to increase at the country’s hospitals. The number is significantly higher than at the same time in the years before the pandemic. In week 49, 1,752 patients were admitted to hospital with respiratory tract infections. That is 1,565 more than the week before. Several hospitals have already increased preparedness because there is an influx of patients who need help after being infected by respiratory infections. In addition, a school in Tysvær was closed because too many teachers were ill. Influenza, communicable disease, RS virus. And not least, the coronavirus is once again helping to knock out many. No one wants to be bedridden this Christmas. Amalie Olsen takes cod liver oil, and has become better at washing her hands to avoid getting sick in the run-up to Christmas. Photo: Kristoffer Apall / news – It is very typical to get sick in December. Now I take cod liver oil and wash my hands. I have become a little more careful about it now than before the corona, says Amalie Olsen on a shopping trip in Stavanger. Karin Daniels, we think he changed after the corona pandemic. Photo: Kristoffer Apall / news Karin Daniels, who is also on a shopping trip in Stavanger, also notices that things have changed. – I think we don’t hug each other as much as before. There has also been less handshake. It would have been sad if someone got infected, especially if it was me who got infected, says Daniels. High season for viruses – Everything has piled up, says doctor Kaveh Rashidi. – Winter is a holiday for viral infections. They live well in the cold. Our immune system also weakens. Something as simple as dry air, and mucous membranes in the nose that are not able to be as resistant. So this is a regular occurrence, and many are sick, says Rashidi. Doctor Kaveh Rashidi says it is not yet too late to get the flu vaccine. Photo: Mimsy Møller / Samfoto But the doctor gives hope to everyone who is anxious about being bombarded with all types of viruses. You can do a lot to avoid being bedridden at Christmas. – There are no guarantees, but there is a lot you can do to reduce the risk of falling ill at Christmas. Building your own immune system is important. Vaccines are very effective. Reduce stress and sleep a lot, is Rashidi’s advice. The doctor reminds us of the important infection control measures we were required to take during the corona pandemic. – It is also important to avoid getting all the viruses on the body. Cough into the crook of your arm, avoid being in crowds with sick people, and stay inside if you are sick, says Rashidi. Fewer people take the flu vaccine But it worries the doctor that we have not been so good at vaccinating ourselves against the flu this year. – We have not been very good at the flu vaccine this year, both for healthcare personnel and the general population. If you have received a recommendation from the health authorities to take the flu vaccine, it is not too late to take it now, and you will have a healthier Christmas. The county doctor in Rogaland is a little worried about the large increase in respiratory infections. Every week, several hundred patients are admitted to hospital due to respiratory infections. – It is difficult to say in advance how serious this could be. We are seeing a rapid increase in the number of admissions of patients with infection. We don’t want the pressure to be too high. Therefore, it is important that everyone follows the advice, then this will go well, says assistant county doctor Erik Andreas Torkildsen. – Can there be new measures, like we had during the pandemic? – The time for strict living rules is over. People have good knowledge from the pandemic. If the advice is followed, it will help to reduce the pressure, especially on the health services, says Torkildsen. Doctor Kaveh Rashidi believes that we still have in mind all infection prevention measures that were imposed on us, and followed through the corona pandemic. – I think we haven’t forgotten. I think it’s healthy to lower your shoulders a bit. This year we will be together a lot, hugging and cuddling and being close to each other. But if we are sick, keep our distance, get vaccinated and do these basic things, then it will be fine, concludes doctor Kaveh Rashidi.
