How to protect the skin against frostbite – news Buskerud – Local news, TV and radio

Summary Cold can lead to ice crystals in the water under the skin, which can cause cold damage such as burst blood vessels, redness and eczema. To protect the skin against the cold, it is recommended to apply a greasy cream that does not contain much water, and to do this some time before going out. Skin products with a high water content should be avoided in the cold, and you are advised to buy a fattier product. The Asthma Association warns that cold can worsen asthma symptoms, and believes that time spent outside in the cold should be minimized. It is important to listen to the signals from the body and take precautions, especially if you know that the cold is a trigger for your own health. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. It’s important to check what you smear yourself with now that it’s so cold. – We have water in our skin. What can happen when it is so cold is that ice crystals form in the water under the skin. It can cause cold damage, says cosmetic dermatology nurse Helene Winther. Although the skin is a robust organ, we should take extra good care of it when we are going out in the cold, she encourages. Dermatologist Helene Winther says it is extra important to think about the skin when the temperature drops. Photo: Helene Winther / Privat If you are going to be outside for a long time, it is best not to smear yourself with a cream with a lot of water. – You can get frostbite in the skin, such as burst blood vessels or red skin that does not disappear. The cold makes it easier for you to develop eczema if you are already exposed to it, she says. The ideal is to apply a greasy cream that does not contain so much water, so that it reduces the risk of the cream freezing on the face in the cold. If you are going to be out in the cold for a long time, you should preferably not apply a cream that contains a lot of water less than 20 minutes before you go out. And protect the exposed area with clothing, whether it’s a balaclava or a scarf. Had to stitch the lip that cracked from the cold. news has been out talking to young people in Drammen. The big question has been what problems they have experienced in the cold. – As a student teacher, I experience that the children have chapped cheeks and lips due to the cold. Even my lips cracked so much that I had to get stitches once, says Sophia Slangsvold (22).- I get very red cheeks and notice that my face stings when it’s so cold, says Marie Delgado (23).- I don’t feel so a lot for the cold on the skin, but I notice that my hands are extra dry, so I use hand cream, says Salman Kavtarov (21). – My eyes flake when it’s so cold, but luckily it’s been a little better this year, says Emma Dulsvik (18). – To be completely honest, I get more pimples in the summer than in the winter. But I notice that the skin becomes stiffer and more dry in the cold, says old Natalia Koltowska (18). – I get cold sores if it’s very cold, where I can get very red and can swell up, says Louise Heimdal Gundersen (19). How to check the creams Daily manager at Apotek 1 Gulskogen, Hamid Taherkhani, says it is better to prevent than to treat cold-damaged skin. – It sometimes happens that people come in with really irritated and damaged skin because they don’t believe in protecting the skin or preventive measures, he says. Taherkhani says a good step in the right direction is to avoid products with a high water content and buy slightly fattier products. Daily manager at Apotek 1, Hamid Taherkhani tries to find the various moisturizers they have inside. Photo: Balsharan Kaur / news Sales of fat-based creams have increased since the cold hit, according to Taherkhani. When it comes to understanding whether a cream is based on oil or water, he understands that people can get confused. – Most skin products are a combination of oil and water, so it can be confusing to distinguish between them. But there are products that have more oil than water, and vice versa. On the left is a selection of water-based creams, while fat-based ones are on the right. Photo: Balsharan Kaur / news It may also be a good idea to look at the packaging to see if the cream is water- or fat-based, if oil or fat is mentioned on the packaging, or turn over and read the ingredients list. Consistency is usually a good indicator. The thicker the consistency of the cream, the fatter it is as a rule. Several people experience breathing problems Health adviser for the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association, Emilie Næss Lunde, says that in the last period they have received many inquiries from people who wonder what they should do about ailments in the cold. The Asthma Association hopes people are careful and take good precautions before going out into the cold. Photo: Emilie Næss Lunde / Private She encourages those who struggle to breathe in the cold to be extra careful. She believes it is important to take precautions, so you don’t get worse and risk getting really sick. It may be a good idea to use a heating mask on the coldest days. – When you have asthma, you have hypersensitive airways. When you breathe in the extremely cold air, it makes the airways less able to tolerate it. Lunde’s first tip for those who struggle with cold eczema or asthma is to minimize time outside in the cold. – We recommend that parents of young children minimize their children’s outdoor time with short stretches of 20 to 30 minutes. This recommendation also applies to adults. Remember that the smallest children are more exposed to cold damage to the skin, she says and continued. – For many, cold is a trigger, and if you notice it, you should increase your medication and take precautions. Listen to the signals from the body, says Lunde. Hello! Do you have thoughts about the case you have read, or tips on what my next case should be about? Feel free to send me an e-mail!
