How to negotiate for cheaper housing interest and insurance – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– We don’t haggle. We have probably had the same insurance company for many years and only pay what we are entitled to. I guess we are of the old variety, says Venke Kvale. Neither she nor her husband Rolf Kvale will haggle over their insurance policies or look around for a better mortgage interest rate. SATISFIED: For Rolf and Venke Kvale, the most important thing is that they are satisfied with the service they receive from the insurance company. Photo: Marthe Synnøve Johannessen / news And it is typically Norwegian, we are to believe the economic experts in this case. But there can be a lot to gain from being “disloyal”. – We took a round now in January and save NOK 6,000 a year. We have the same company and exactly the same insurance policies as before, says Lene Drange. GOOD HOURLY WAGE: A round of insurance can give a good return, says economist Lene Drange. Photo: Privat She is an economist, author and presenter in Luksusfellen. But it is too far behind for many to try to push the price down. – We are not very good at it in Norway. There are many who find it uncomfortable, she says. But if you take a round with both mortgages and insurances, you can save a lot. Here’s how to proceed: Challenge your bank – For most people, it is within mortgages that you can save the most money. There, the interest rate difference is quite large at the moment, says advisor Terje Hamre in Norsk Familieökonomi, and illustrates: THE MORTGAGE: Advisor in Norsk Familieökonomi, Terje Hamre, says the most to save is on mortgage interest. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news – If you have a mortgage of between NOK 3 and 4 million, and save half to one per cent interest, you are quickly talking NOK 30,000 plus a year, he says. Check Finansportalen and see what other competing banks can offer and use it against existing banks, is Lene Drange’s advice. – If you have a brand new home, you may be able to get a green mortgage, she says. Membership of a trade union can also provide more favorable conditions. Read the terms and conditions It can also be good money to save on insurance. First, you need to get an overview of which insurance policies you have through work and privately. – Check whether you are over-insured. It is perhaps the most to save on that, says Drange. This means that you must read through the insurance terms and conditions. But Drange promises that the hourly wage is good. Ask for a price from others – Take a look at the insurance policies twice a year, says Drange. Terje Hamre advises you to check every two years. In any case: The price is slowly but surely ticking up again. Obtain competitive offers from other insurance companies. You are welcome to send an e-mail if it is inconvenient to call. – Print out the papers on the insurance policies you have today. Cross out the premium and send to other insurance companies. Most people find that the premium goes down and save money, says Hamre. Because the insurance companies have good leeway, he says. – Most companies have what they call competitive tariffs which they use when they receive inquiries from customers they want to get or keep, says Hamre. The insurance companies: – More calls Several insurance companies notice that customers are trying to pressure them on price. FUTURE: Communications Manager Simen Rudi Photo: Su Thet Mon / news – We notice a growing trend and are more often contacted by customers who notice that the economy is getting tighter. They investigate prices with us and others, says Simen Rudi, communications manager at Fremtind. The insurance company If also notices that more people are receiving reminders than before. IF: Communications manager Sigmund Clementz. Photo: If – A larger share must be asked a second time before they pay. It probably says something about the financial situation for some now, says communications manager Sigmund Clementz. news has been in contact with the four largest insurance companies in Norway, Gjensidige, If, Tryg and Fremtind. When asked why prices tend to go up again after negotiating a lower premium, they answer that the price of insurance rises when we have price rises in society. Fremtind replies that this only happens once a year.
