Houthi-controlled port city attacked – Latest news – news

20 July 2024 at 18:08 Houthi-controlled port city attacked The port city of Hodeida in Yemen has been hit by several attacks, according to the Houthi-controlled Al Masirah TV channel. According to Reuters, among other things, a fuel plant has been hit, and images show a large burning area. The attacks come a day after a Houthi drone strike killed a civilian in Tel Aviv. The Houthis claim Israel is behind the attacks. Israel confirms this on Saturday evening, according to AFP. The IDF says the attacks are in response to “hundreds of attacks” against Israel in recent months. The health authorities in the area report that several are dead and injured, without providing figures. Houthi member Mohammed al-Bukhaiti reports on social media that “Israel is going to pay”. According to Reuters, Israel’s Minister of Defense Minister YoavGallant says in a statement: – The first time the Houthis injured an Israeli citizen, we hit back. And we’re going to do it wherever it’s necessary.
