Horrific injury for the Glimt captain – had to get 20 stitches – news Nordland

14 March 2023 at 16:34 Horrific injury for the Glimt captain – had to sew 20 stitches Most things went wrong when Bodø/Glimt captain Ulrik Saltnes had to hang a mirror panel on a wardrobe door at home in Bodø last Wednesday. Because when the mirror fell down during hanging, the 30-year-old welcomed it with his arms. The mirror cut into the forearm, tearing open the skin and spurting blood. – I saw the blood splatter, and then it was just a matter of getting help. I ran straight up to my roommate, and luckily she was in her home office. We tied it up and applied compression, he says to TV 2. It was Avisa Nordland that first mentioned the case., Saltnes was picked up by ambulance at his home and sent to hospital. On Thursday he underwent surgery, and on Friday he came home with a cast on his right arm. A total of 20 stitches were used to patch the captain together. Now Saltnes must cover himself with plaster for six weeks until the wound has healed. Bodø/Glimt opens this year’s Eliteserie away to Sarpsborg 08 on Monday 10 April. It is uncertain whether Saltnes can play with the cast and the injury or not.
