Hopp introduces health certificate – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

Sports commentator on news, Jan Petter Saltvedt, has criticized the show jumping team for not having a health certificate, and now it appears that the management has taken his words to heart. It appeared on Dagsnytt 18 on Tuesday. – Based on advice from Saltvedt and others, we decided yesterday to introduce a health certificate because it was important for our reputation. So then we do it. We think we should listen to people who know things about reputation. It means nothing in practice, says Bråthen. TAKING OVER: Clas Brede Bråthen. Here from the news building. Photo: Ingrid Jorstad Heier / news Saltvedt appreciated the message. – Now I was happy, replies Saltvedt. – The most important thing here is to ensure that sport becomes healthier, says Bråthen. The show jumping manager believes that such a certificate can spark further debate about how the current regulations in show jumping work as of today. Taking action Where, among other things, cross-country and combined have introduced health certificates for athletes who will compete internationally, jumping has not had such a system. In the last week, it has been criticized by news’s ​​commentator Jan Petter Saltvedt, who was surprised that a sport with such high weight requirements does not have health certificates. Lundby reacted to Saltvedt’s statements, and believed that jumping had a good enough arrangement together with the specialist department for diet and nutrition at the Olympiatoppen. Now the jumping camp is introducing health certificates, which Bråthen believes is just a formality. – Now we get a document that says something about the work we have done, which is much more than a health certificate says, says Bråthen to news after the debate. Bråthen chatted with Saltvedt on Monday evening, and then Saltvedt said that this was bad for the reputation of the sport. Was the conversation with him the reason for the introduction? – Definitely, Bråthen replies, before continuing: – It is proven that no one wants to do something that is bad for their reputation, especially when it is about not becoming extra work for us. Because we already do these checks and many more. This was just a formality, for which we have not seen the necessity until now, says Bråthen. Saltvedt greatly appreciates that the jumping camp introduces health certificates. – I think it is impressive that they go from acting like they are in a defensive position to taking this in a constructive way, Saltvedt told news after the debate. Less focus on the body Bråthen hopes it can lead to a further debate about changing the regulations. – We feel that we have all the tools to be able to follow it up very well. At the same time, the sport of jumping has developed a lot in the last almost 20 years, since 2004. The athletes have improved, and they are able to lose weight, jump with shorter skis and jump longer. Therefore, we must now look at a set of regulations that might make it less appropriate to push that weight down, he says. – How are the current regulations problematic? – We want to change the regulations in the direction of ensuring that it is not so appropriate for individual runners to push their body weight down. It is not certain that we will be successful in this, but I think it is important that we do that work. He elaborates: – The regulations were drawn up in 2004, and are quite the same for boys and girls. After almost 20 years, I think the sport of show jumping has evolved so much, especially on the women’s side, and I think it’s high time we looked at an update. It should help for an even healthier sport, he says. – Do you have a proposal for a more ideal set of regulations? – One of the proposals we have looked at quite a lot is to increase the length of the ski if the BMI is higher than 21, which is the requirement now. If you weigh a little more, you can get longer skis. And through that balance out some of the difference you have with those who weigh two to three kilos less than you, he says. Maren Lundby has also been honest about her wish for a change in the regulations. Never been important until Jump doctor Guri Ekås explained the arrangement between the association and the Olympiatoppen like this, when news asked her to elaborate specifically on what arrangement they had. – The jumpers are monitored by a separate health team in collaboration with the professional environment at Olympiatoppen, including the nutrition department. The nutrition department is an invaluable resource in work related to nutrition. Health comes before performance! We have not relied on a health certificate in this work, but an overall assessment is made in line with the guidelines of Healthy Sport and a number of medical examinations and assessments are included, Ekås wrote in an e-mail to news. Bråthen points to the same in Dagsnytt 18. – Health certificates have never been important to us, because we have felt that we have had control over our athletes all along. This is feedback we have received from experts in nutrition and health, he says. Furthermore, he explains that show jumping introduced a BMI rule in 2004, and that it has worked well. – Not many sports have that. This means that all jumpers must control their weight together with their coaches throughout the season, throughout the year in order not to be disqualified for jumping with skis that are too long if they weigh too little. news will come back with more.
