Hope Kråkøya coastal port will be Norway’s most environmentally friendly industrial area – NRK Trøndelag

Norway has ambitions to reduce climate emissions in the future. The obligations also have consequences for the industry of the future. At Kråkøya in Nærøysund municipality in Trøndelag, work is being done to build the country’s most climate-friendly industrial park, says mayor Amund Hellesø. Nærøysund mayor Amund Hellesø has big environmental ambitions for the industry on Kråkøya. Photo: Espen Sandmo / NRK – Big ambitions – We have big ambitions for the environment here. Not all players are allowed to. Only those who manage to produce without emissions, Hellesø promises. This means that the actors must cooperate and utilize each other’s resources to produce without climate emissions. Among other things, a land-based salmon farm and a hydrogen factory will be built here for NOK 300 million. The goal is that in three years they can produce eight tonnes of hydrogen a day, as fuel for boats running through Nærøysundet. – Kråkøya is in the middle of nowhere for a hydrogen factory that will produce an environmentally friendly fuel. The island is located in Nærøysundet, where 35,000 ships pass every single year. Thus, we believe it will be a nice place for the boats to fill with hydrogen, says director Inge Forseth in Nord-Trøndelag E-verk, which will build the factory. Critical environmental organizations – In Bellona, ​​we are very positive that there is thought of utilization of each other’s resources, whether it is waste heat, waste or other. Modern industrial development must be based on a modern attitude to the resources we consume. That part of this project is good, says head of department Christian Eriksen in the environmental protection organization Bellona. – Having said that, it does not mean that the project as a whole is necessarily good enough. In this type of project, there are often major issues related to land use, energy use and environmental consequences more generally, which they must be able to solve in a sensible way, says Eriksen. The Norwegian Environmental Protection Association is critical of hydrogen production. – It is a foolish form to store electricity. You need 2.5 times as much power to get the same effect out of hydrogen, as to use power directly. Boats and hydrogen are not something the world thinks of, says regional leader Arne Roger Hansen in the Environmental Protection Association in Central Norway. Nord-Trøndelag E-verk is investing in hydrogen on Kråkøya. – The goal is to produce eight tonnes every single day, says director Inge Forseth. Photo: Espen Sandmo / NRK Will become climate neutral Nærøysund municipality and Nord-Trøndelag Harbor Rørvik are now in full swing to create the conditions for the green industry on Kråkøya. – With the players who want to establish themselves here, we can use the energy from the productions several times. The goal is to create the world’s greenest industrial park in the long run, says mayor Amund Hellesø. – The climate footprint should be equal to zero, Hellesø states. Port Director Asle Andersen sees great opportunities for green industrial development on Kråkøya. Photo: Espen Sandmo / NRK Lack of people Director Asle Andersen in Nord-Trøndelag Harbor sees great opportunities. – For 20 years we have worked to develop Kråkøya. Now we see that something is happening, and soon we have the first players in place. Here, it is almost only the imagination that sets the limits for what we can achieve on the island, he believes. The large plans on Kråkøya can provide 250 to 300 new jobs in the municipality, which today has just under 10,000 inhabitants. – It is of course challenging to get so many workers. But I think we create something unique and new that many outside Norway will be a part of. These are future-oriented and green jobs that we hope will be attractive to many, says Amund Hellesø. 35,000 boats pass through Nærøysundet every year. Now Nord-Trøndelag E-verk hopes many of the boats will stop here to fill up with hydrogen. Photo: Espen Sandmo / NRK
