Home burglary where man was found dead – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– Theft has been committed from inside the barriers. Among other things, a bicycle and a bin were stolen from the scene, says police inspector Cecilie Pedersen in the Agder police district. She says they are investigating whether this can be seen in connection with the incident on the night of Sunday. Then Kim Harald Liane was found lifeless in her own home at Mosby in Kristiansand. Another person was taken into custody and charged with grievous bodily harm resulting in death. Both the deceased and the accused are in their 40s. Pedersen says it is strange that people touch the inside of the barrier tape. Could there be a risk of tampering with the burglary? – It could be and that is what we need to investigate. If anyone has seen a food waste bin in the area, the police would like to be notified. Discovered on Friday morning According to news, the break-in was discovered on Friday morning. Passers-by must have seen that an entrance door to Mosby station was ajar. The door leads into the apartment where the deceased died. The door to the building was sealed by the police after the violent incident at the weekend. It is uncertain which tool was used to break into the building, but there are visible marks on the door frame. Business is also carried out in the station building at Mosby. According to what news understands, the door to the company must also have been broken open. After the break-in was discovered on Friday morning, the police must have set up a guard outside the building. Crime scene technicians are now working on the scene. Denies criminal guilt The accused man denies criminal guilt for the incident at the weekend. According to his defender Vibeke Knutsen, he describes the incident as an accident. Knutsen says the client acknowledges that he has been present in the home. On Wednesday, the police in Agder received the preliminary autopsy report of the man who died. Police inspector Cecilie Pedersen in the Agder police district then said that they cannot go into what is in the report. She also said that the charge may be changed and that an ongoing assessment will be made on this. The incident is not categorized as murder. It is based on the information the police have received so far.
