Holding religious services in a pub in Stavanger – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

If you thought services only belonged in the church, you need to think again. Now you can go down to the pub on Sunday evening and hear both preaching and hymns. On Sunday evening, Pubkirka IMI Stavanger opened its doors at Musikkstuen Påfyll in Stavanger. This evening there was a hymn concert. One Sunday a month there are such concerts, and the services take place on most other Sundays. – More relaxed The arrangement itself is quite similar to a normal church service. But those who want can enjoy themselves with a pint while the priest speaks – or while the congregation sings “The name Jesus never fades”. – By moving the service to another place, many feel more relaxed, says priest Anne Berit Mathisen. Mathisen does not think it will be a problem for people to drink while she holds a service, as long as they drink in moderation. Photo: Marte Skodje / news The actual content of the pub services will be the same as in the church. – It is a nice thing that the typical church service is in a slightly different setting. Here, people can sit back a bit, says the priest. Would you consider joining a pub service in your nearest town? Yes!😍 No. Not for me😬 Show result Positive feedback Mathisen is behind the idea of ​​having a pub service in Stavanger. She herself has worked as a field chaplain and held services on oil platforms, in the forest and in a helicopter hangar. – Over the years as a priest, I have found that there are a number of people who have nothing against God or the Christian faith, she says. But: – Churches and houses of worship are foreign lands for many and a place where people may not feel at home, she continues. Mathisen has been a field chaplain for many years and held services both offshore and in the military. Here from an oil platform. Photo: Privat That is why she believes people will appreciate the pub services. – I look forward to it like a young person. Here, people can have a pint while it’s going on, she says. And it seems most people think pub services are a good idea. – This can be an arena for more people to get to know God better, says Ingvar Espeland. The 54-year-old is a Christian and is used to going to church. This was something completely different, he thought. – It was a fantastic format and great spirituality. Old collectors in this packaging are absolutely fantastic, he says. Ingvar Espeland and pub priest Anne Berit Mathisen. Photo: Marte Skodje / news – What is the difference between a church service and a service here? – Here there is a shorter devotional and much more music, Espeland replies. Inger Beth Riska also thinks the initiative is good. She is a Christian and believes that more people need such an event. – I think it is very good that they are trying to reach out to more people, in a new way. Not everyone finds it as easy to go to a regular church, she says. Inger Beth Riska. Photo: Marte Skodje / news Sold out When the owner of the pub in Musikkstuen Påfyll heard that priest Mathisen wanted to hold services in the venue, he was skeptical and unsure. Then the regular customers said that this was a good idea – and something they could consider taking part in themselves. – We have only received positive feedback, says pub owner Egil Karlsen. Musikkstuen Påfyll is a cultural scene with a very varied programme. On Saturday, 150 people jumped and danced to ACDC. Sunday is a hymn concert. Pub owner Egil Karlsen is pictured here. Photo: Marte Skodje / news The hymn concert on Sunday evening was quickly sold out. Karlsen thinks he knows why. – Many people may not have the best relationship with the church room, and it may feel a little stiff. Here you can get a different expression, even if the content is the same, he says. The pub services are a collaboration between the IMI church in Stavanger and Musikkstuen Påfyll. “Hymns in the pub” Artist Lewi Bergrud and his band played old and beloved hymns dressed in a more modern musical style on the opening night. Bergrud and Thor-Erik Fjellvang are behind the concept “Salmer på pøbb”. In 2021, they decided to take a band with them and play hymns in pubs in Oslo. Lewi Bergrud and his band play the prayer house classic “He will open the pearl gate”. From Parkteatret in Oslo. Video: Private – It’s absolutely incredible how this has worked out. It’s so fun and inspiring, says Bergrud. It has become so popular that all concerts in the past year have been sold out. The audience represents several generations and outlooks on life. Artist Lewi Bergrud. Several times he has had to send people home because so many people come to his hymn concerts. Photo: NTB The first pub service in Pubkirka IMI Stavanger will be on 3 September.
