Hoksrud will become deputy leader of the Frp – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– Now that Ketil has chosen to withdraw, I think the FRP is lucky to have a good candidate in Bård Hoksrud from Telemark, says Stordalen to news. Bård Hoksrud and Morten Stordalen (left) share their commitment to road development. Here together with Storting colleague and party member Tor André Johnsen. Photo: Privat Yesterday, Ketil Solvik-Olsen announced that he does not wish to be re-elected to the position of first deputy in the Frp. Thus, the former transport minister is finished in national politics after ten years in the Frp’s top leadership. – I have always made myself available when the party has asked me. Now the election committee and the party organization must do their job, but if I get the request, it is clearly a very exciting task, says Bård Hoksrud to news. He adds that he thinks it is sad that Solvik-Olsen is giving up, but adds that he understands his decision. – Am I myself As a politician, Bård Hoksrud has particularly distinguished himself in transport and health policy, but he is also known for his good humor and the many wild pictures that he has drawn in various contexts. – How often do you actually ride a stand-up paddleboard or water scooter? – Heh heh, very rare. Even if the picture would say otherwise. I think maybe I’ve driven water jets five times or something, but people keep asking if I’ve driven any water jets lately, laughs Hoksrud. – You have had a number of non-traditional appearances and appear in many strange photos. Do you do a lot to get in the magazine? – I don’t always do it to get in the magazine, it often just happens that way. I’m probably a positive person who likes to offer myself and who often puts up with a lot of strange things – sometimes to the frustration of the communications people in the FRP. – With Bård Hoksrud, you get Bård Hoksrud. For better or worse. I am myself, he says. The picture of Bård Hoksrud from the commemoration in favor of Norway’s Watercraft Association in 2016 has led some to believe that the FRP politician gushes forward in this way far more often than he actually does. Photo: Vegard M. Aas / NTB Bård Hoksrud is not afraid to offer himself. In 2012, he was persuaded to take part in a makeover in news’s ​​radio show Nitimen. The theme was that men can also use make-up. Photo: Wilhelm Støylen / news Hoksrud is an avid pin collector. Here together with Lill Harriet Sandaune from last year’s national meeting. Photo: Fremskrittspartiet Gunnhild Stordalen is a bit like Aunt Sofie, said Bård Hoksrud when he met her at the news debate on sugar tax and diet in 2021. But her favorite soft drink is different from the one he shows here. Photo: news The favorite soft drink is Pepsi Max. Here is Bård Hoksrud on his way to Question Time in the Storting. In familiar style, with a rucksack on his back and a soft drink in his hand. He can drink six pints a day, he revealed in 2020. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB It is not difficult to find a picture of a smiling Bård Hoksrud. Here he is in the hot dog booth with party leader Sylvi Listhaug. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB As Minister of Agriculture, Bård Hoksrud naturally had to go to the press during Dyrskun in Seljord. Photo: Tore Meek / NTB Bård Hoksrud and the FRP do not go out of their way to create a bit of a circus at the Storting. Here in a more literal sense, during a celebration with Sirkus Arnardo and Sirkus Agora in Eidsvolls plass. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB Bård Hoksrud has been open about his own weight problem, but has also had a clear message that one should be satisfied with who one is. Here he has discovered the measuring tape with Bjørnar Allgot in the Diabetes Association. Photo: Sunniva Skjeggestad / news Bård Hoksrud was the only person who asked more questions than Ketil Solvik-Olsen at the Storting in 2013. Then the party members followed up with a battle of rock, scissors, paper. It was also won by Hoksrud, who can now succeed Solvik-Olsen as deputy manager. Photo: Vegard Wivestad Grøtt / NTB Hoksrud: – I feel that Gunhild Stordalen is a bit like Aunt Sofie Long experience Bård Hoksrud has long experience as a full-time politician for the Progress Party, both in the Storting and locally in the municipal council in Bamble in Telemark. He has held a seat there since 1991, with the exception of one period. In a few weeks he will turn 50. He is married to Ingunn and has two children, a daughter aged 18 and a son aged 16. At the Storting, he has more than 17 years’ experience. Today he is a member of the group board and spokesperson for health policy in the FRP. In 2011, Bård Hoksrud admitted that he had bought sex on a trip to Riga in Latvia. He had to pay a fine of NOK 25,000, but received renewed confidence as a parliamentary representative of the party two years later: – This was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. For which I myself was responsible and which meant that I had to work to regain trust. Fortunately, I have received it from both those closest to me, the party and the voters, and I am very happy about that. In government, he was state secretary in the Ministry of Transport for two years and minister of agriculture for six months from autumn 2018 and until he had to make way for Olaug Bollestad because KrF joined the Solberg government. Hoksrud has professional experience as a shop assistant and shop manager in the 1990s, but has been a full-time politician since then. He led Framstegspartiets Ungdom from 1999 to 2002. TRIO: Bård Hoksrud and Erlend Wiborg are both mentioned as candidates for the deputy leadership under party leader Sylvi Listhaug. But so far only Hoksrud has raised his hand. Photo: Håkon Lie / news Kroppspress Bård Hoksrud wins the fight for the individual and against injustice is what drives him as a politician. He is most involved in health policy and care for the elderly, but also when it comes to public health issues, he is on his own. – You have told Op about dieting and your own struggle against weight. Why? – I think it is important that we show ourselves as we are. I am a bit too big, and there are many people who have similar challenges. There is far too much focus on the perfect. But if this with diet and exercise had been easy, we would all have looked the same, he says. – Solvik-Olsen is a fanatic, but hooked on chocolate milk. But in one well-known picture you are holding out a whole collection of chocolate milk boxes. Which one of you is the chocolate king in the Frp? – Ha ha, it’s Ketil. Absolutely guaranteed! Storting experience Neither of the Progress Party’s two deputy leaders, Ketil Solvik-Olsen and Terje Søviknes, has been elected to the Storting. news knows that this has been discussed as a weakness in the FRP, where the claim is that party leader Sylvi Listhaug would have benefited from a little help from a deputy leader who sits in the Storting. When asked if he thinks the new deputy leader should be a representative of the Storting, even if it should not be him himself, Hoksrud replies: – It must be up to the party, but several people have called for it. Erlend Wiborg is also mentioned as a possible new deputy leader of the Progress Party. Photo: Christian Nicolai Bjørke/news Wants Wiborg instead Another Frp politician who several sources, independently of each other, put forward as a possible deputy leader candidate is Storting representative Erlend Wiborg from Østfold. One of those who want him is parliamentary representative Himanshu Gulati. He points out that Hoksrud is already deputy leader of the parliamentary group. – There are big shoes to fill after Ketil, and we have many skilled politicians in the FRP. But I think it is good and right to distribute key positions among several names. Erlend is without a doubt one of our biggest profiles, says Gulati. Wiborg, who is immigration policy spokesperson in the Progressive Party, has not yet decided whether he will run or not. – I think it’s very pleasant that several people point at me. In the last 24 hours, I have been contacted by many people in the FRP around the country who want me to stand. I will consider this and have a chat with my wife, because this will concern the whole family, says Wiborg to news.
