Høiby refuses to explain himself – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

On Saturday afternoon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit’s son Marius Borg Høiby (27) was released from detention in Oslo. The charge against him was then expanded to include several counts. Bodily violation, reckless behavior and violation of a restraining order against a former lover. It was after an incident in this woman’s apartment on Frogner in Oslo that Høiby was arrested by the police in early August. Violence in close relationships against ex-girlfriends Juliane Snekkestad and Nora Haukland. They previously had the status of aggrieved in the case. Threats against one more person. It is the police themselves who have reported this case. Thus, there are now four victims in the case. Høiby refuses to explain himself in the case, the police said later on Saturday afternoon. This is reported by NTB. The police emphasize that they warned Høiby against breaking the restraining order. Pleads not guilty Høiby was arrested on Friday evening at a cabin in Innlandet. He was charged with breaching the restraining order he had imposed on the woman with an apartment in Frogner. Regarding this charge, he does not plead guilty, according to defender Øyvind Bratlien. It is not known how Høiby reacts to the other charges. This is Marius Borg Høiby charged with: Bodily assault (violence), damage, threats, reckless behavior and violation of a restraining order against an ex-girlfriend. Abuse in close relationships against ex-girlfriend Juliane Snekkestad. Abuse in close relationships against ex-girlfriend Nora Haukland. Høiby is also charged with threats against another person. The defense attorney believed that the basis for the arrest was weak: – In my 17 years as a defense attorney, I have not experienced or heard of an arrest on such a thin factual and legal basis, Bratlien writes. Published 14.09.2024, at 16.20 Updated 14.09.2024, at 16.24
