Høgre demands an external investigation of care for the elderly in Oslo – Latest news – news

19 January 2023 at 12:32 Høgre demands external investigation of care for the elderly in Oslo Based on the revelations that have come to light about health centres, home services and nursing homes, Høgre believes there is a need for an external investigation of the entire care for the elderly. – What has come to light about care for the elderly is so serious that we think there is a need for an external review of the entire care for the elderly in Oslo. We are forced to do this better, group leader Eirik Lae Solberg told news. When asked what the investigation will entail, Lae Solberg answers as follows: – It means that Oslo municipality has to get expertise from outside to review our care for the elderly, and see what is not working and how it can be improved, says Lae Solberg. – It is quite clear that increased competence and better organization are decisive parts of such a review, he adds.
