Historic wreck hunt outside Lista – Latest news – news

28 August 2023 at 03:42 Historic wreck hunt off Lista The Nordic region’s largest wreck hunt is underway in the waters off Lista in Agder. Both the Danish and Norwegian navies participate in the operation. The hunt takes place in close cooperation between military authorities, scientific institutions and archaeological authorities in both Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands, writes Lister24. The goal of the hunt is to find the 500-year-old wreck of the Danish warship Maria. Maria and the sister ship Engelen were the first warships in the Danish-Norwegian navy and thus the start of the world’s oldest naval defence. Epoke, a Norwegian and Danish working group consisting of around twelve people, is behind the wreck hunt. The project has been going on for over a year, but has only now become publicly known as the search is underway on a large scale. In 1523, Christian II reluctantly had to leave Copenhagen and sail into exile to Holland. In 1531 he headed north. The goal was to recapture Denmark and Sweden, then call everything Scandinavia. When he lost important resources outside Lista, the story took a different turn. If the ships had arrived safely, it is possible that Christian II would have later conquered Copenhagen, overthrown King Frederik I and that the Kalmar Union would have continued. – We believe that the final decision for the dissolution of the Kalmar Union lies with Lista, says one of the initiators, Håkon Reinertsen, to the newspaper. If the wreck hunt ends up finding irrefutable evidence of a shipwreck outside Lista, in other words, history may have to be rewritten. (NTB)
