Hind Khoudary is displaced and homeless – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Hind Khoudary is quite alone as a female journalist in Gaza. But she and her male colleagues share several bad experiences. – We don’t just report on the terrible consequences of the Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip. We live in it. We are homeless, displaced and also bombed. I have lost my house, family members and friends, says Khoudary. Hind Khoudary is based at Al Aqsa Hospital in the south, where news’s ​​freelance team meets her. – Seeing all the damage, people being killed, the blood, the dead bodies, everything, everything hits us so hard. To be honest, I don’t know what it is that makes us continue to report, says the 28-year-old. Hind Khoudary cried and shows a message that a journalist colleague has been killed to a staff member in their “office” in a tent at the Al Aqsa hospital in Gaza. Photo: JEBRIL ABU KMEIL / news Missing the zone – the UN calls for an investigation The organization Committee to Protect Journalists established at the turn of the year that at least 77 journalists and media workers have been killed since the war between Hamas and Israel broke out. 70 of them were Palestinians. According to the Palestinian Association of Journalists, the number is higher: over 100 Palestinian journalists are said to have been killed in Gaza since the war started three months ago, according to them. Several of Khoudary’s journalist colleagues have lost loved ones in the war. Among them we find her colleague at Al Jazeera, bureau chief Wael Dahdouh, who lost his wife, two children and a grandchild in an Israeli attack on their house in October. Wael Dahdouh during the interview with news’s ​​freelancers in Gaza on 1 January. Photo: JEBRIL ABU KMEIL / news news met him recently in Gaza. – Journalists pay the price for the war twice, first as a journalist and then as a human being. I am on the run, moving from office to office, from tent to tent. It’s surreal, it’s madness, Dahdouh said when news interviewed him. Shortly after the interview, he also lost his grown son. Hamza Dahdouh, who was also a journalist, was killed together with his colleague Mustafa Thuria on Sunday, in what was probably an Israeli drone attack. A third journalist, Hazem Rajab, was wounded in the attack. The UN human rights office expressed great concern on Monday and demanded a thorough and independent investigation into the murder of journalists in the Gaza Strip after Hamza Dahdouh and his colleague were killed. Israeli authorities claim that the journalists were in the car of a “terrorist”, writes NTB. – All cases must be investigated independently and thoroughly to ensure that international law is followed and that violations of the law are followed up in courts, writes the UN office at X. Hind Khoudary photographed during the interview with news’s ​​freelancers outside the Al Aqsa hospital in southern Gaza. Photo: JEBRIL ABU KMEIL / news Afraid that she will be the next Hind Khoudary is afraid of becoming the next Palestinian journalist who is killed or who loses family members in the war on the Gaza Strip. – There is always a fear in me. The only thing that motivates us is that we tell stories and share the truth with the world. I don’t see any future to be honest. We have lost everything, she says. The Israeli offensive launched after the Hamas attack on October 7 has displaced most of Gaza’s 2.3 million inhabitants. 249 people have been killed in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip in the last 24 hours, local Palestinian authorities said on Monday. The total number of people killed since the outbreak of war on 7 October is now 23,084, while nearly 59,000 are wounded. If you include the 7,000 who are missing, over 30,000 are dead, writes NTB.
