Hiker reported missing at Eidetinden on Kjerringøy – news Nordland

A hiker has been reported missing at Eidetinden on Kjerringøy outside Bodø. The police, volunteers from Bodø and the rescue helicopter from the Central Rescue Center have all gone to the mountain to search for the man, who is in his 30s. – The rescue operation is still ongoing, as unfortunately we have not found the missing person. We continue the search with all available resources throughout the night, writes operations manager May Wenche Hansen at 10 p.m. Picture of Eidetinden from a distance. Photo: Oda Stine Viken / news It was the man’s partner who alerted the emergency services after they had been on a mountain trip together. – We are looking for a missing man at Eidetinden. A rescue helicopter has just arrived, and some volunteers. In addition, the Red Cross, Norwegian Rescue Dogs, Norwegian People’s Aid, in addition to police and drones, are assisting, says rescue inspector Ørjan Delbekk in HRS Northern Norway. – He must have gone on a trip with his roommate. She stopped before the top, while he went on. Eidetinden is located just over 1,000 meters above sea level on the Kjerringøy peninsula north of Bodø. Photo: FlightRadar Published 16/07/2024, at 22.05 Updated 16.07.2024, at 22.07
