Highest preparedness after power outage in Porsgrunn – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– Because of the cold, this is a serious situation. Communications manager at the electricity company Lede, Thor Bjørn Omnes, says that the electricity company must now set a red alert due to the power outage affecting over 500 customers in Porsgrunn. – It is the highest preparedness we have, and all resources are called in, says Omnes. The reason must be that some cables have broken. Then the electricity company got another error, and then the spare cables also broke. – Some may risk not having electricity until tomorrow morning. – Can this be prolonged? – Yes, since it is as cold as it is now, it can be long-lasting, says Omnes. THIS IS SERIOUS: The head of communications at the electricity company Lede says that they are on red alert because of the cold. Photo: Lars Tore Endresen / news Omnes further says that they now have a collaboration with Porsgrunn municipality to see what offers they can come up with, and promises to provide information to customers soon. – We do everything we can. Now, within a few hours, a number of units will be sent out to the affected areas, and Lede will work in parallel with other solutions. Unfortunately, there is no quick solution to this, concludes communications manager at Lede, Thor Bjørn Omnes.
